Smartest Minecraft Player (6900+ iq)

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜


Clevoo does a Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge.

Today Clevoo plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other Minecraft but challenge like that, but Minecraft short from Clevoo! It was HILARIOUS. #Clevoo #shorts​ #tiktok​ #short​ #Minecraft​

This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / tiktok / short ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.18.2, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.19 in 2022.

The goal was to try to inform / speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin but it is me, Clevoo / tiktok / twitter , playing Minecraft Java 1.18 and not Minecraft Bedrock.



50 thoughts on “Smartest Minecraft Player (6900+ iq)”

  1. Ngl I don't really get why people hate on jellybean like bru she has an 'annoying voice' so people go out of their way to hate on her like I get that this was a joke but still its really rude and im not a jellybean fan boy or anything but I don't think she deserves all the hate

  2. Lol Next Scene is just
    him leaving the game then.

    "After I finished the game there was a robber at my house and I was still in shoke, but I had my keyboard so what I should do is stun him before I run"

  3. The fact that he doesn't take the wood and hay bale makes me confused also just mine the deep slate with the pick🤯🤯🤽‍♀️🚵‍♀️🤼‍♀️👫👨‍👦‍👦🤹‍♂️👨‍👩‍👧‍👧💏🤺🏇🏄‍♂️🧗‍♀️🤦‍♀️💇‍♂️💇‍♀️🧖‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧛‍♀️🧝‍♂️👩‍💻🐷🦁


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