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Welcome to our latest video, where we dive into the world of Reddit to bring you some of the most interesting and thought-provoking stories from the AskReddit community. In this video, we cover a variety of topics including family, love, health, and cheating, as well as some funny shorts and confessions. Whether you’re a fan of minecraft or Reddit, this video has something for everyone. We also include some TIFU and AITA stories that will have you questioning your own actions and decisions. So sit back, relax, and join us as we take a journey through the world of Reddit.
under age sex exists.
Fr bruh a girl once said she was 18 but she was 6 😭😭😭 how was i supposed to know
So no one's gonna talk about how this guy failed the parkour
It's crazy how a guy's life can be completely changed when there's nothing he could have done. And then there just 0 repercussions for the girl
Getting away from some of the misogyny in the chat, we can all agree that lying is bad, and this is a perfect example of why. Lying can ruin lives, upend marriages, break families, trust, lying can get people killed. Moral of the story is be honest about yourself to yourself and to others. Play by the rules.
First stranger outside the game store that ive seen who likes Warhammer, I like these guys
The fact that consent isnt enough
And people wonder why the suicide rate for men is so high…
I swear I understand that you have to take assault and stuff like that to woman really seriously but at this point this is why most women get denied about being raped bc some girls are idiots and like ruining guys lives
Come on man all you need to do is talk to them for 5 minutes and her age will be clear
Solution wait 18 years into the relationship to have sexual relations.
I feel bad for this guys friend he did not deserve that and the club shouldn't have been letting minors in like atleast ask her for her ID and pass port and drivers license
Is there a way for a law like this to be changed?
These types of women should be charged with heavy punishments for ruining men's lives
Well here where I live age of consent is 16 so he just got unlucky where he lives
The fact she was with her sister too, like the sister could've said at ANY time as well
You should be able to sue her for lying
That’s deep
Stupid USA laws
Shouldn't be a crime, but from my impression this is something that doesn't happen too often?
In Germany, as long as there is consent, it's okay for adults to have s*x with minors of the age as low as 14. Had a few cases where young impressionable girls had s*x with adult men because they were tricked into thinking they were in a true relationship and that they had to do this to not lose their partner, so they "consented". It's impossible to charge these guys 😒 I'd much rather have your laws (US?) and have such guys in prison. Then again, maybe because it isn't illegal here no one talks about such cases, where a minor presents themselves as adult :/ I'm very sorry for everyone this happened to and the blame should definitely be on the one who lied
The girl already shouldn’t be in a club if she’s 16, but the fact that she lied about her age and got another man out in prison and kicked out of uni is depressing, poor dude, I hope he’s doing well
Why isn't she being done at least for identity fraud? Or some sort of malice crime, since she obviously knew it was illegal for them to have sex with her but still pursued it and went to places she shouldn't be.
Poor guy!
Put her ass in jail, give her some consequences for her wrong doing!
I still think they should get punished. Maybe older males need to keep it in their pants and stop having so much sex with people they rarely know they spread too many diseases too.
That's why I date older women my wife is 5 years older than me
Also why is no one talking about punishing the club? They let a minor in knowingly and failed to do their job. Minors lie about their age nothing can be specifically done about that all the time. But the club failed to detect either a failed id or let a teenager in with a real one. Either way the people checking for the id should also be punished.
Happened to footballer Adam Johnson who picked up a girl in a 18+ nightclub then next day she told him she was underage he spent 2 years in prison and his career was ruined and is mocked nation wide by football fans as a nonce
Girls who accuse men of SA, and turn out to be completely false should be charged.
Old testament and medieval law systems(further down the line) are better at dealing with this. Punishment for bearing false witness is the same sentence someone would have received cause of your bs. Make liars face the same sentence that an innocent person would receive cause of their BS.
This boils my blood, I am not even joking, how can this take place in a legal system … oh wait this is the US where you can shoot kids in the head for trespassing
stuff like this show you why society is sexist.
Here's where my mind goes why the fuck is a dad allowing his 16yr daughter to go out to clubs like that. I mean it say he tracked her why not get her before anything like that even happens.
Apply to the supreme court to have it reviewed, although you'll have to go to an appeals court first. This can and most likely would be changed by the supreme court.
in our land its totally legal after 14.
Women are the problem
bro this happened to spm why yall sleeping on my dude he has a whole kid and takes care of em and everything