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Finally, I felt relaxed after a while. Life has been tough, and I almost gave up on it a few times now. But I'm glad I didnt.
In 2x it like a horror video
This reminds me of the past when my little brother and I played the Minecraft Xbox test map, now we have grown apart and are no longer as close as before 😔
Realizing life is ongoing forever..
I missed The time with my Friends in Minecraft 😔
Shhhhhh… Uzbeki spiat
The best for mc players when studying
Brings me back to when me and her would listen to this as we sleep bc we couldn't really sleep without soft music in the background or the TV on but we would lay and I would just stare at how beautiful she is. She was really one of a kind. i just know if it's meant it'll come back one day :)❤
(We've been together for 2 years, but she's on her own journey Rn, I'm not holding on but I still got a lot of love for her and if she ever comes back bc she really isn't like any of these other females out there like she's to herself and I was her first boyfriend. So I know she wouldn't put that love she says she has got for me into anyone else but me whenever she wants to come home 🙂 ❤)
Man I’m almost 18 and it’s crazy to think it’s been 10+ years since I started playing this amazing game. Something I’ll think even my kids will have in future years. My favorite childhood game without a doubt. Thank you Notch for the childhood memories even my kids will have🥹❤
Hallederim değil mi
Yarın hem matematik, hem Almanca, hem resim ödevimi yapmaya çalışacağım. Hafta içi de sınavlara bakacağım. Okul yüzünden huzursuz olmak saçma geliyor ama yine de endişe ediyorum. Yapmam gereken her şey çok basit ama o gücü kendimde bulamıyorum. Sabaha kadar hiç bıkmadan, eğlenerek yaptığım şeylerin yarısını bile yapamıyorum şimdi. Boş bir kağıda birkaç yazı yazmak bile zor. Ben insanlar beni nasıl görüyorsa öyle olmak istemiyorum. Beni çoğu başarılı ya da kusursuz görse de ben bir insanım. Bazen kayboluyorum ve yolumu bulamıyorum… Neredeyse 1,5 yıldır. Beni aptal olarak da görebilirler, onları ikna etmek için yaşamıyorum. Bunu hatıra kalsın diye yazıyorum. Belki yine anasayfama bu video düşer. Sorun okul değil, sorun benim yaşam isteğimin her geçen gün azalması ve monoton bir şekilde her şeyin geçeceğini beklemem. Çok ümit ediyorum bu ruh halinden kurtulmak için ama kalbim acımaya devam ediyor
Holy shit man, best soundtrack ever 🔥
i'm 21 now with a job and a girlfriend… im happy but i miss this old times… no worry no pressure just chill and play this amazing game
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I would like to go back to those days. Minecraft in my childhood, its music is pure melancholy.
really bad with life rn, everyone in my family nearly against me. about to lose my uncle, blew up the only truck i had spent years on working. and losing a 3 year relationship because she was already with someone else before ingot to communicate with her after an argument, This is just the therapy i need. I thank you for bringing upon this masterpiece in my darkest times right now.
Thanks bro ı can sleep
How are you feeling today?
I’m in love for this video