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Security Tower Build Battle – Final Stage [Minecraft]
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Game Name – Minecraft
if you see this ~ comment #YesSmartyPie
this is fake nobda ji this is falanaG are you right yes smartypie jhoote sorry bro hamne apki mistake pakad li bro
Noobdag is falana g because when noobdag take iron armor the achievement is that falanag has suit up
Nubra ji is Farhan ji
20:07 nubdaji = falana ji lol chat look at the clat advancement
Falana g ko kaise advancement mila
20:09 ye humara noobda nhi hai ye Falana g hai advancement dekho
yes bro
noobda ji ki jagah Falana ji ap advancement chupana bhul gaye
Hidden detail noobda ji is really falanaG 😝😝😝😝
Smarty falana ji shooter note noob
20:18 hidden details falana g is nooda jii😱
Funfact : noobra g is falana g 20:12
20:13 Noobda is MrFalanaG
Noobraji is falanaji
Who else noticed that flanag is actually is the noob
20:10 himlands hidden detail reveal …….falana g is noobra g
Just kidding 😂
Wasa sahi bhi ho sakta ha
Who knows
noobda G is actually falanag
Noobda ji is flanaG 😄😄
16:56 ezio is very lucky
You can see who is noob 20:09
20:11 whatt falan g!!!
Bhai noobdaji is falanaji don't be lie
Samarty pie is not nooblagi is falanagi
20:11 per falana g to kaise advancement mila
Nobda g is falana g
Smarty bhi please tell name of this game
Bhai nupada ji falana ji hai jab aapane armour drop kiya tab advancement Mili falana Ji ko
20:12 falana g suit up 🙄
20:10 falana g is noobda ji
NOOB Is falana g
Video Starts At 1:50
@ali manzoor i will tell first but no one like my comment gur kalyug 😂😂😂😂
smarty which mods did you use in the himlands series
Fun fact-NOOBDA G is Falana G