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sorry for necroposting
Mods I used:
Pollution of the Realms
Advanced Chimneys
Ambient Sounds
Distant Horizons
all this for forge 1.20.1
Also “Complementary – Reimagined” shaders
Music used: (as always thank you fellas) (also im gonna start posting it in the order of use for convenience)
Omnibound – Heartbound OST (i looped a part around the middle for the intro, hope no one on the Hearbound team minds)
Fat Caps, Fight Scene – Audionautix
Underwater Exploration, Spring Field, Hypnosis, To Ponder – Godmode
Candlepower – Chris Zabriskie
Deep Space – Audionautix
Magic Escape Room – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Look Around a Bit – pATCHES
Mario Bava Sleeps In a Little Later Than He Expected To – Chris Zabriskie (had a blast typing that one out)
Thunderbird – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Atlantis – Audionautix
Thunder Dreams – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Wehrmut – Godmode
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Also the funky song I used at 7:30 for a few seconds is called “More Bells and Whistles” by Wayne Lytle
also ahaha ooo funny scary but waits its create mod letsplay but pollution is still there and also distant horizons and it was hillarious but i also ruined minecraft whar??
still doign fthis
what if thrite was called freakite and played scarycraft instead of minecraft
What about sugarcane from wandering traders?
I guess that part with emeralds to get slime its scripted… U just fake it man 🙂 Thats really 3% chance only….
you should try a series with create big cannons
“Are you stupid?” literally me
What hapen if you put mending on the Sand paper or glue
i really like your editing style and the music you use, its awesome
39:38 unfortunately water wheels no longer gets that bonus when you surround it with water. the true meta is at least eight or twelve large water wheels lined up to get the most out of your water
so when are you getting to the polluting
did he forget that you can make slime with wheat and water again
Bruh dat transition effect at 1:26 is sick af !!! XD
36:04 the reason why it did that is because you are probably the unluckiest man alive
you're a heartbound fan? sickkk
For your Corey you can make a 16×16 one so you mine the entire chunk
hey dude cool video but could you tell me where did you get the build from or the idea from it?
hi thritey cakes i love you
Wandering traders exist 💀
POV you are in the Amazon rainforest
Bro, the Lorax
You can fish for paper man
You could have gotten sugarcane from a wandering trader but i guess going to the stonghold is more signal
"call me a bookworm the way"
5:30 is such a funny way to show him remembering ore spawns XD
Install jei dumb dumb
Watching you struggle with the create mod while being a create mod expert is fun.
31:47 PTSD core
absolutely love the series
What is the seed for this world
i lowkey have a crush on u
Steam and rails
Make a wrench so you don’t need to reconstruct evrything.
Zinc miner here, Can confirm that we do get distracted destroying nations.
You should definitely get immersive portals mod
Im a zinc minor
Why not install JEI for the recipes?
avalon theme song from little big planet at like 30:00
" How bad can I possibly be? " ahh video.
He sounds like Ur Pal Ross and I can’t unhear it
add the create broken bad mod youll se what up
4:10 glolemmmmmmmm
38:29 bro got the CHEESE
man don't know the struggle of legends mod iron man 😭🙏
i did same, but with iron axes.
the source you used to try and find paper only telling you about the stronghold and not shipwrecks treasure map's chests made me angry im not gonna lie
why dont install JEI?
You should use the petals as fuel