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ROCKET LAUNCHER VS Speedrunner In Minecraft!
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🤝 My Friends!
🐌 Slogoman: https://youtu.be/7f6TO6Q4Gcw
🍏 Jelly: https://youtu.be/ulTJfDqo3H0
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I think next time all mods mixed
I got 999 IQ
Wow guys a mod?
i think the J was Jelly name.🤔
crainer all your thumbnails are out of sinc with your vids the machine gun one said it was flamethrowers and this one has given away your next vid
How did u miss?!
Hey crainer do a pixlmon speedruner
Bazooka = rocket launcher
Hi crainer been a fan for 5 years thank you for uploding awesome videos.
Criener your my fav youtber love you
Crainer, slogoman burned your yellow flag
Omg god
On crainer city go in Josh's house and go down stairs tru to go in the painting of panokio
Crainer: I can smell him. He smells like tea and biscuits
Me: That's because he's England. (When I meant to say British crainerLol.)
Slogo say the tree is my freind 🙁
great video
why did u tell jelly to get water but u didnt get urself some
Crainer Josh made secret chest behind a painting
Jelly is saying chopping but is minding
Crainer we need food gets in boat with cooked meat no hunger bars me :0
Hello benjamin
Crainer we need water tell jelly how o get water crainer dosent get water me ._.
You guys should try using a bow and arrow. Love the vid
How do you make that kind of trophy
Hi craned I watch your videos for a couple of years
I like how the video sais rocket launcher but there is no rocket launcher
Don’t burn the trees the trees are my friends
Wheres the rocket luancher at
Cave not spawn tree
Don’t believe in you sorry 0:23
So close
Good comms