Re-Building Minecraft's Deleted Biome

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bringing it back to my new project

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, iOS/Android (Pocket Edition), and Chromebook.

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32 thoughts on “Re-Building Minecraft's Deleted Biome”

  1. Honestly mate I don’t know how this doesn’t get that much views, your videos always entertain and you talking is also a very philosophical experience and quite interesting. Cheers toy cat

  2. I don't see how free will and determinism are mutually exclusive. You exist because of the universe, and just because you're predictable doesn't mean you're not deciding based upon your own personality. It's not that the universe forces you to act in a certain way, but rather the personality that would have made the other decision simply isn't here to make it. If I program a robot to write books, and I need to make it sentient to understand the book I want it to write, it isn't forced to write against its will, it just has a personality that likes writing because that was the personality I selected.

  3. A GED is the equivalent to a high school (secondary school) diploma. If you didn't have enough credits to graduate then you go to classes until you do and take the test to show you know what they want you to and boom GED it born! So it's basically a diplomas cousin who is equal to diploma but is looked down unpon and isn't as good as diploma.TMK

  4. Will edit later, but wanted to respond that everyone is fine with rules, so long as they don’t apply to us. In the end, it is just one big struggle by everyone to apply rules to everyone but ourselves.

    Edit #1- If you really think about it, the precise conditions of the Big Bang dictated everything else that has happened since then. More pragmatically, as I have been saying lately, I cannot control my feelings, others’ behavior, or the laws of physics. I feel like I have considerable control over my own behavior; but do I, really? Or is it all a bunch of particles and energy states? Is anything truly random? So to answer your question; we all have a lot less control over our lives than we like to think we do and others like to treat us like we do, and perhaps, none at all.
    Edit #2- Outro joke was cute, 7/10. A slight improvement that actually happens is always better than a huge revolution that doesn’t, Toycat! Hope your walk was enjoyable and you can still climb stairs tomorrow! 😅

  5. while we don't have free will, our brains are just chemical and electrical reactions, we have the illusion of choice, and therefore it's not an excuse to shrug off our responsibilities or couch it up to "destiny". We still have choice, even if when given the same situation (same chemicals, memories, external situations), we will always make the decisions.

  6. Thank you for not making your minecraft lets plays boring and not just commentating about the game. It really makes me happy when you talk about random things like this because I relate to a lot of them!

  7. Internal vs external nexus of control- yes, there are a lot of things we don't/can't control, but the more we feel like our actions dictate our outcome, the more likely we are to do things that lead to success.

  8. It'll be so cool to see what the overworld nether looks like on a map before you put a roof on it. We never really get to see what the nether looks like on a map, and this project is one of the very rare opportunities we might have. Especially if you locked the map so there'd be a forever record of what it looked like.

    Inspired by your nether-in-the-overworld projects I did convert an island on my world into a nether island, but it doesn't have the same effect on a map when it's surrounded with blue.

  9. Speaking of let’s play worlds: I’ve bought off the marketplace and have been using your Let’s play world Toycat and it has taken me 2 months to organize every chest across the world. Quite a daunting task


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