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big village 1.5.2 (no iron golem tho): https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-java-edition/seeds/322151-1-5-2-giant-village
double end portal bedrock seed: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftseeds/comments/l5e3eg/2_end_portals_on_top_of_each_other_1787696665/
triple village in bedrock (with natural iron golem): https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft/seeds/2951724-bedrock-fun-triple-sized-village-seed-with-30
Merged structures (1): https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftseeds/comments/17uaqa6/how_do_you_think_these_structures_came_together/
Merged structures (2): https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftseeds/comments/137vm43/5_structure_combination_seed_6138980452756270854/
Aquifer tower: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftseeds/comments/zt5zne/broken_aquifers_at_spawn_seed_5106449350243512140/
Hi everyone. I just wanna let you all know that I'm gonna be hosting some cool events for videos sometime soon, so I made a discord server which you can join. When I do events with subscribers you can just put in your interest and you may be selected to be in a video. The link is: https://discord.gg/NzAepNhf (this isn't a social server btw, it's just to join events)
I found a naturally spawned iron golem in early minecraft like in 1.7.10
There's one big anomaly in Legacy Console Edition where structures just don't generate, sometimes even entire large ones
his skin looks like my slugcat skin but with clothes (even though I haven't a clue what his skin is)
I know for an absolute fact that when I was a kid I played a superflat world and had a village spawning iron golems on Java. That natural golem seed must exist. I wish I had proof but this world would’ve been in 1.7.10 or earlier and on a now thrown away PC. Hopefully seed finders can locate a seed with a village that big sometime in the future
Apparently the seed that has the missing portal room is called [the seed of the world me and my friends are currently playing on]
I used to watch an spanish streamer that had found a nturally spawned golem on i think 2015, his name is alexelcapo and he did many minecraft series that are really long, ill take a lot to find the video
Whoa whoa whoa, iron golems aren't supposed to be naturally spawned pre 1.14?! I remember spawning in a jungle and seeing an iron golem walk right past me and freak me out (I had never seen one or even knew they existed). I don't remember the version, much less the seed, but I know it was pre horse update (1.6?) but after the beta (I never played beta). I don't remember seeing a village near spawn, either, though… I remember thinking that it must have been some crazy rare jungle spawn because I'd never seen one before and it was covered in vines, like the sort you only found in jungles at the time. I also know the game wasn't modded, because the first mod I played with was Mo' Creatures just a couple of months before the horses from that mod were added to the game. So this must have been…. 2012 or 2013, and I think the reason I started playing again was because I wanted to test out the brand new villagers and their trading. The wiki says this would have been at least version 1.3.1; anyone have any ideas?? I really wish I still had that world, but I'm sure it's long since been deleted, and that was at least two PC's ago anyhow.
I've actually seen tall sugarcane in pocket edition I think it was 5-6 blocks tall. But it was ages ago and my memory may be wrong
Coincidentally, you and me use the "same brand of shoes and pants" on our skins
Can I ask for your skybox mod and your shader mod ?
A bit late but I found an old seed on beta around 1.8.2 time? there was a generated 6-7 tall sugar cane I came across. thought it was quirky & mined it. wish I had more info. great vid as well, unlocked a memory for me. ^^
The only time i have found a merged structure is a village and a ruined portal that cut a house in half
My rarest anomaly is finding a villaged that bugged and the game only spawned 7 path blocks. I went to chunkbase and there was indeed supposed to be a village there
whats the name of the mod or texture pack you use for the night sky?
I feel like I remember finding a natural iron golem back in the day not even knowing what an iron golem was at the time, but I could be remembering incorrectly.
I remember there used to be a bedrock bug where in most worlds mineshafts would continually spawn basically on top of one another and around other ones as well and this made it to where you could have like endless mineshafts as far as the eye could see in the regular game
I recently ran into a 6 tall sugarcane but I don't know the seed two of them have to generate on top of eachother to get it to happen i also ran into the one room stronghold with no portal room with nothing blocking it
I experienced the missing portal room glitch on my old realm, I was looting libraries and it was 6000 blocks away and under an ocean. It was in 1.16.
Your voice is one of the nicest voices I’ve ever heard on eng-speaking youtube. I mean, you can read lectures and probably anybody will listen
I've seen plenty of 4-block tall sugarcane before, though
I swear I found a Natural Iron Golem in old bedrock multiple times, but didn't think much of it… and the sugarcane was all the time
I've definitely seen some 5 block tall sugar cane naturally generate in java a few times. i don't remember the conditions but I know I've seen it more than once