The purple end rods were what was originally added and people instantly made texture packs to fix it and make it useable (make it grey) and very quickly mojang just made it vanilla
Holy shit i was litterally 4 blocks away from an end rod and was like "i litterally placed them bc i loved the purple there's no way" and holy shit they're grey D:
Subscribe and ill be happy 🙂
I swear Mojang keep surprising me with how lazy they are 😭
Shrts can be over 2 minutes now!
Imagine the guy with cactus skin
The 2nd to last one has caused me to die 2 times on my newest server
Imagine not knowing all of these
Did you know that fish Can breathe in lava
I always knew that end rods were gray and never thought that they were purple
There's so many details we don't ever notice like TODAY I found out thta leather boots make it so you don't fall through powdered snow
Like I've been avoiding whole biomes just cause powdered snow is annoying but it has such a simple fix
This whole time i though his skin was an waffle 😂
The fishing is faster because the fish is falling from the sky 😏👌
Java facts, my guy, I am on bed rock
The end rod thing and majority of Minecraft mandellas are probably because of texture packs. The one I’m using right now has purple bases.
Bugrock at it again.
The purple end rods were what was originally added and people instantly made texture packs to fix it and make it useable (make it grey) and very quickly mojang just made it vanilla
Y’all recognize that the words in orange and purple kinda looks like camman18 Mincraft avatar the head part
Did you know… If you try combining Blue and Yellow Dye… It can't be crafted green dye…
Call me noob… But I discovered it today as I test the hardcore function
I was SURE the end rod was
Okay but like half of us probably haven't touched an end rod since 1.11 💀
Holy shit i was litterally 4 blocks away from an end rod and was like "i litterally placed them bc i loved the purple there's no way" and holy shit they're grey D: