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In this video I will show you what it looks like when you meet the miner in Minecraft! . Do you like going mining in Minecraft. It’s too scary for me.
(Subscribe or I will take your gold ores)
#minecraft #shorts
What was your longest mining session??
Bro stop playing in creative
The "i should stop mining… BUT WHAT IF THERE ARE DIAMONDS RIGHT BEHIND THIS" is so relatable
This is the most braindead dopamine inducing gen-alpha peice of crap ive ever seen
Fun Fact!
We miners do eat dead zombies, and then dont move so it doesn't reduce our hunger
Bro killed john pork💀
when I go mining, I farm zombies instead of going to the surface
*no comment*
Bro's in Creative
bro's a miner and his friend likes miners, the best duo ever…
the i understand throwing out cobblestone
Why was Ian Collective
That face was john pork
why is no one talking about how he was trying to marry a pig in the beginning
Enjoy your last 23 hours, 59 minutes and 57 seconds of LIFE!
At least the trash was cobblestone
I'm an asian with a soundboard and im trying to make ny money worth
The title before the rest scared me
"My eyes are burning"
Me At 1:00 pm:- 🗿
Ayo he said a minor like that illegal
Can some one play with me in minecraft my name is dream5654568 play with me play 1vs1 and build or do anything. I welcome everyone❤ in minecraft pocket edition.❤
Am I the only one who noticed the watch in the loot chest?
Мой самый журнальный мой был 20-30 минут
The emerald watch in the corner :😶🌫️
Cobblestone= LIFE
Why are you playing with a miner!? Are you planning on something buddy?
Pause the vid in the chest there’s a wristwatch
That's cool
I saw no hungre or aert hes in crate
that diamond mining motivational photo was so true
Bro anyone see a emerald rolex💀💀💀
Bro killed John Pork fam😢😂
Why would crave mine iron even though he has diamond armour
When you betrayed your own team mates👍