Playable Carnival Games in Minecraft

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It’s Minecraft 496! In this gameplay, we celebrate Fall with fair games and festival food.
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37 thoughts on “Playable Carnival Games in Minecraft”

  1. This channel & RoosterTeeth as a whole has been helping me for the last 9 years in my battle with depression, and a few days ago my grandmother who raised me and taught me everything i knew passed away. One of the first things i did when i was alone was throw on a new AH video, smiling and laughing through the tears and feeling everything around me slip away. I doubt anyone will ever really see this but i just wanted to put it out there and say thank you to the wonderful staff of Achievement Hunter, of RoosterTeeth, for all the years of light when i was ever in the dark. I can truly say that you saved me, and i’m forever grateful for the laughs you will always provide me. Love you all lots!

  2. If you go back to older videos, you'll find that they each give each other a chance to talk, even if they're just having their own private conversations and not paying attention to the main event. Either that or the editors muted the voices of those not involved. Either way, in more recent videos, they all will frequently talk at once, each wanting to get their reaction or comment in. A lot of folks attribute that quality to just Ky, but they're all at fault, even Jack and Micheal despite being the "old guard".

  3. For those wondering where Select All's (RT animation) videos are due top their prank at the beginning, they are RT site only under the series Select All Gaming. Though I don't think them doing their trick or treat episode/stream is up yet

  4. Don't listen to the haters, you guys are doing great! My fave games were the shooting gallery and the maze, I died when the final trap opened! It would be awesome to do a larger game of those with more stuff, and maybe the next installment of the king series. Or what if one of the other groups steals the tower and you guys have to get it back? Or more of the twilight forest lore? There are just so many things!

  5. Really don't understand the onslaught of whingeing from the armchair critics 🙄🤏

    This episode cracked me up something fierce, it was a real treat😏
    Thank you to all involved for the joint effort in bringing the online gaming community entertainment in its many and varied forms, I for one greatly appreciate you 🖖

  6. This minecraft content as of late is just sad. I want to see them build again and create. Those videos have gotten way more viewers and positive reviews than these. When they create and just talk normally (not in any weird accents or voices), it is so enjoyable and creates natural comedy. All of the "games" recently feel like they are built for show and to look good, but not to perform well. I feel like they care more about how their area looks than the function of it. In other episodes they do not care what it looks like as long as it accomplishes what they want to do well. I feel like this new type of content is just blah.

  7. I haven't seen anyone comment on how for the pie-eating contest, Lindsay absolutely said "eat the pies until you have full health," yet everyone started calling out when their food bar was full, and "playing back the tape" marked when the food bar was full as well… no wonder Ky was confused, she was the only one that listened to… the wrong instructions.

  8. I am so glad I watched this in full before reading the comments, because I genuinely loved the video, and going into the comments expecting to see likeminded takes only to see negativity kinda sucked :’) There were so many moments that had me laughing and smiling, so I hope others who feel the same way can at least know they’re not alone in enjoying this kind of content! I sadly haven’t seen anyone else say this, so thank you Lindsay and Ky for putting together such fun video ideas!!

  9. Now I remember why I stopped watching this shit because that's what it is. I miss the old achievement hunter that was actually enjoyable not this lackluster bullshit that seems to be a trend

  10. This was so stupid and pointless. I really wish they hadn't done so many of these stupid games. Outside of the first one with Geoff and Jeremy, these have been so boring. I hope they never leave the girls in charge of so many let's plays…


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