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Perfect Minecraft PVP ASMR… #hypixel
#minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars
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My keyboard ➡️Yunzii AL66
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More longform + streams soon! I’m just a couple of weeks away from finishing the semester. Thanks for watching in the meantime 🙂
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comment merry way 12 stream pls
bro have 101% silent room
What client do you use?
Bro I really hard cps faster with kone rocat pro air😢😢😢
Clean Af
For a sec I thought I was tripping when I couldn't hear music 😅😂
I kind a forgot this dude but I'm back
Trainerdario that is my friend lol
Bros bullying kids nowdays
Play with bedless noob
Dario's most average fb fight game..
Are you still the goat? Also can you please release lunar bandanas. If you want to we can make a little bet on stream to make it interesting 😉
Please play bedwar on bedrock edition
I wanna see you vs daquavis in Minecraft bedwars
Midnight speed up
Bro pls give me texture pack❤
U just got a terrible player lol
My brothers name is Dario
The ASMR is perfect than his hole room fr 💀
Bro well cooked me guys 🗿
I still miss the old Dario videos, everything, the old yellow text, his iconic "subscribe for more Minecraft videos!" line, I guess the 100k subs change has caught up to Dario, not saying he uploads low quality videos and I KNOW FOR A FACT that he is going to be in his prime for the 2nd time if he puts in just a 🤏 of more effort! No hate intended stay strong Dario!
Your drag click why 110 cps?
Play against grandmasters smh
Why is no one talking about the fact that bro got more the 100 cps in right clicking 💀
I have a question can you please please tell use what play is this is it in hive or zeqa tell us every thing you play in YouTube short please:)
Great video !
However I have a quick question
Why do you always put #hypixel and not #minemenclub ?
Jaki txt
Where’s ur golden lunar tag
I think the song ruined it
Omg This Sounds So Perfect 👌
Bro Have More CPS than i have Braincells
pls minecraft texture pack
2sa kill this
I cant get 194-187 likes
don't be mad at me for using the audios 🙁
360 at the start
Face reveal when?
What’s the texture pack?
some people might not believe me but i have been there since you had like 1k subs
Give me the name of your texture pack
i think i might be one of the only (if not first) peoples to comment on a trainerdario video at 35022ft