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Today we strike and convert 4 mobs with a single lightning strike all at the same time! And we do some sneaky spying on @ZombieCleo & @xBCrafted!
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Animation: Jack Allum https://jaloom.artstation.com
Music Composition: MusicMan1017 https://twitch.tv/musicman1017
Graphics: HungryMaxzilla https://twitter.com/hungrymaxzilla
HC Logo: https://youtube.com/DnatorGames
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Season 9, Episode 10.
#Zedaph #Minecraft #Hermitcraft
Doesn't the horse transform into a skeleton horse when struck by lightning?
Zadvancement idea: Get all 4 vanilla obtainable heads in one shot: creeper, skeleton, zombie, wither skeleton
One time I was playing on my flat world and a thunderstorm was there and my horse got struck by lightning and survived then after I hopped off my horse I noticed a message in chat that my horse got stuck by lightning and died sooo lighting does strike in the same place twice
My 4 year old grandchild has been assembling those 4 mobs and hitting a lightning rod with her trident ALL DAY. #ThanksZedeph
I really liked the remodeling at 2:39, the stop motion style looks great!
Can you get the charged creeper to blow up a zombie, a skeleton AND a creeper?
There should be mooshrooms for the nether fungi
I doubt if you’ll see this, but you’re missing a perfect opportunity for another trophy. Trap one of each head-dropping mob in an area, lure in the charged creeper, and try to get all of the heads at once. If you’re lucky, you’ll even get a bonus Zedaph head. 🤣😂🤣
Woo hoo! More spying!
6:40 Rodaph
please call it the 'store-ador'
Decided to watch this during a thunderstorm lmao
I think you should use potion of invisibility because it makes you invisible and removes your name tag
I challenge you do die to the void in nether
Zed – Discussing building plans.
Me – Oh sounds cool, pick up your stuff Zed
Zed – Continues discussing building plans
Haha love the video thanks for all the great content! Rapidly becoming my favorite YouTuber.
The extra editing (especially stop motion) is reeeaaaly nice!
Dude EXCELLENT video
Thanks for laughs ✨
Zedvancements are such a cool idea for a hermitcraft season
Lovely videos so far Zedaph! Truly amazing seeing you enjoy this so much as well <3
In this episode Zedaph became Dr Frankenstein 😀
How about the horse that turn into skeleton horse? With a skeleton riding in it
You're awesome Zed! And I have to say, this one is probably my favorite thumbnail!
Surprised getting the creeper, zombie and skeleton head off of one charged creeper wasn't another zedvancement.
Having the pumpkins take a diversion doesn't sound that good in terms of server lag, but you could have a system that delivers them to you.
O.o 1 min is sus
This witch boat thing is perfect for a "mini" game !
It gave me anxiety when he broke all the chests and didn’t pick up all the items
Use invis potions and armor to hide your name but not cheat to get out of being seen
Also, you can blow everything you need up with only one charged creeper
What about skeleton horse
Isn't there 5 mobs though because a hoarse can turn into a skeleton hoarse
I have no idea what your voice does for me but like my little nurodivergant brain is itched by your voice and mannerisms. I feel like you have previously done theatre, that might be it. Anyway I love your voice and videos
Zedaph was about to find out the hard way that a Channeling Trident needs to hit an entity to summon lightning 😛
I love how your intro is so much like the start of a Bob Ross "Joy of Painting" episode. 😀
The editing is absolutely amazing
Zedaph's transition make my brain hurt
Lighting the charged creeper! now that's the smart way to do it… i've been just aggro'ing them into exploding and have lost my OWN head more often than not.. XD
Zed officially blows my mind with his video editing skills.
This is so cool, i hope some of your zedchievements make it to the game.
You've probably already considered this, but can't horse's also be converted by lightning? I loved the video, great job!
Zed, your videos are constantly great and so much fun.
Fun video as always!!
1:13 that was so, so smooth