NOOB vs PRO: VENDING MACHINE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

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NOOB vs PRO: VENDING MACHINE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!
An army of MUTANT CREEPERS is going to attack a village! Wudo, Mongo, and Axy need to build a VENDING MACHINE HOUSE in Minecraft with everything the villagers need to take down the mutants! Will they be able to fix the vending machine, or will it be too late?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

#Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


42 thoughts on “NOOB vs PRO: VENDING MACHINE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!”

  1. Pizza is his favorite?!?! I thought he said he hates pizza and its the worst food ever anyway i ain't saying i hate pizza im muslim and i like every food but i don't like un-halaal stuff


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