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minecraft 1.21s trial chamber was just added to snapshots but it already has so much cool things going on with it. today we take a deeper dive into minecraft 23w45a and specifically the trial chamber structure. there are so many secret rooms, extra loot, and even a couple of mobs that the structure needs too!
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if you read this comment “watl watl”
The key could be a key to enter a new boss room, this one time use key would be so hype giving us a early mid game boss
I think the breeze needs a re-rexture maybe even remodel. I hope it doesn't end up in the game looking like this
For anybody who wants it, -3391189126728049808 (seed) has a decently big trial chamber at -238 ~ 1583
How about make a room for the illusioner. That could act like a boss room tbh
I have a question:
Can I take the Weakness Potions from the Dispensers and cure with them a Zombie Villager?
And another one:
Are the hostile mobs can follow into the Trail Chamber?
Just a couple of questions to investigate 😁
When does this come out for bedrock
it should drop a aura of wind fragments 20 percent chance to drop so you get wind aura on a sword it adds 2 pts of damage znd has 4 knockback
The breeze should drop phantom mebrane I feel like it's kinda related and these things are annoying to obtain
For the poison skeletons they should use the ones from Minecraft dungeons
The breeze should drop bottles of air so you can fuel your trip to the moon like in one of your past videos.
The breeze should drop a potion ingredient. So hopefully there could be a new potion added as well.
My ideas are a breeze rod that unlocks the portal like structure in the deep dark
Or a Breeze charge that acts like a snowball that can flip switches and knock back mobs and players
Or a wind item that can be used with elytra. Or maybe even an item that lets you do jumps like the breeze
I really hope that mojang makes more mobs similar to the breeze and blaze with water, earth and ice elements!
Just checked the trials on my seed I'm playing because of the massive lush caves. Trial chambers look really cool with the glowberries growing in them.
The Breeze should TOTALLY drop Breeze Rods, and you can use them as alternate fuel sources in brewing. However, instead of potions, you get to make magic powders instead, which you would be able to toss on the breeze naturally, or mix with water in cauldrons over fires to make unique potions.
I think there is only one test we completely missed that hasn’t been covered anywhere that I have seen. Can zombie villagers break through copper doors in hard difficulty?
real question is how we can fu*k that up to profit material from chambers 😀
The Breeze will drop a "gust" item, and you will be able to craft wind from a new redstone component, the fan. It's the missing physics element. Think of a gust generator or fan Like waterless bubbles you can control using redstone signal strength.
Let's just appreciate how much a lot of time wattles puts in these awesome videos to make our day, huge respect! 👍 😀
But if the breeze has its own chiseled block, I vote that the blaze gets one too!