does the cobblestone farm by bigbooty17 would not work anymore? though i did the "disarm" with left click (it isnt actually break it, because it is reappear white colored instead of red)
bro why cant they just leave it in and let people who want to use it use it but people who don't, don't. like the creator of Stardew valley, he doesn't remove game breaking tactics instead he leaves it in for people who want to use it and people who don't just won't
Subscribe if you learned something!
This "block" isn't rare since you can just downgrade the version
When got it fixed it?
Hoply not 1.20.4
But my cobblestone farm works using a disarmed tripwire!!! They literally removed a feature instead of fixing the bug!
Bro thought he's camman18
I thought you were camman by the title
So….1.21 is just a farms killer
Alright, I'm never going to play Minecraft 1.21.2 😀
Oh no now my fisherman is useless
Bros becoming camman18
Yes camman18 gets a new rarest video
does the cobblestone farm by bigbooty17 would not work anymore? though i did the "disarm" with left click (it isnt actually break it, because it is reappear white colored instead of red)
I understand why they fixed it but removing whole feature is just lazy
I have the string farm and I am never going to update the block ever again because I need those emeralds
BROOOO, I mad a massive temple in a map with like 39 traps and I had one that used this feature.
Hi I
Well there is where everything went wrong
Bro still using his Minecraft:GE 💀
bro why cant they just leave it in and let people who want to use it use it but people who don't, don't. like the creator of Stardew valley, he doesn't remove game breaking tactics instead he leaves it in for people who want to use it and people who don't just won't
I had no idea disarmed tripwires were a thing to begin with
Rip string dupers
And Fletcher???? Isn't it fishermen
Werent you stuck in blockblast forever
Did u know if u activate it while u are looking in the east direction it will still work
Minecraft: Gaslightning edition
Ha glitched grass blocks are a mere illusion of my power in bedrock edition
Can’t I just down grade the version get it then upgrade the version
Not the grass block
You could also break your minecraft world
I never know string can be disarmed bef, but after i know it i think it's so cool, then they just remove it:/
Looks like i have to save so much string for future
i didnt even know that you can disarm trip wire
i gi back in time i got 20 stacks 💀
We need to hide it from camman
We need to hide it from camman
There goes my 18 string dupers
Me boutta dupe 3 double chests full of shulkers of string
yeah im not switching to a new version ill stay on 1.21
400th comment
Nah for real?
I hate this update, not only because of the string duper, I want to have disarmed tripwires.
Oh no i think im late
HIDE! Camman18 is comming…
So instead of actually fixing the bug, they removed a feature? What???
That’s so dumb that breaks so many farms