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#minecraft #mcyt #shorts
Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKntf3FLFWE&ab_channel=NoFear1337
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Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every video although I’m sure by now it actually doesn’t do anything but oh well
This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / tiktok / short ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.18 in 2023
surely he used ninja brain not triangulation
His only fear is touching grass.
Some kids gonna say he copied camman
Nah zylenox sounds like some hemorrhoids cream ☠️
The thing u said build high up its called zero cycle
was that random
Not my man zylenox (I'm a gd ytuber)
At this point Speedrunners are using nasa calculations even to walk
An Indian did a speedrun faster than this shit in fricking mcpe love my country India the time was 6 mins
You had perfect loop time (ONLY REASON is because my OCD is killing me 💀)
isnt the current wr like 54 secs or something
how many times, do i have to tell that the world record minecraft speedrun is 2m 56s
I thought the fastest random seed Speedrun was 53 seconds. He spawned next to a stronghold.
Is it random seed?
It’s a whole documentary 😂
He got the dr.disrespect skin he had to win
Bro won by miliseconds
Imagine you lag and you can't get #1 because of 1 SECOND that would be so bad
The new record for set seed is under a minute
I remember when 20 minutes was good.
0 cycle world record is wild
I just saw this in a SB737 vid 2 mins ago
Zylenox? Gd player??
I thought it was when kaguya put hagoromo's brother in a genjutsu to fight against him
Uh please don’t do commentary on speedruns, it’s just boring
I can barely get to the nether in 20 minutes and he doing it in 2
How did he activate the portal?😅😂
Nice job. Now if you’re 10 minutes late to an S&P, the dragons already dead.
Bruh i never knew u can get to stronghold while in the nether
Isnt there a guy who speedrun mc in under a min? Remember when 25 mins was good
Bro got that drdisrespect skin😂
I've never beaten the game in survival 😭
Hold up, Zylenox plays both GD and Minecraft?
Mf who did it in 1 minutes and 49 seconds:
Congrats, but also go outside