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▶Hello everyone! Today we will be discussing the TOP 4 Mysterious Secrets for the Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Update! Do you enjoy Minecraft 1.17 snapshots, leaks, news, and concepts? If so, make sure to leave a like and subscribe for more!
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▶ Outro Music:
• Song: Elektronomia – Limitless [NCS Release]
• Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
• Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Limitless
• Watch: http://youtu.be/cNcy3J4x62M
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#Minecraft #MinecraftUpdate #Gaming #MinecraftNews #MinecraftCaveUpdate #MinecraftMountainUpdate
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Also as a side note: It appears that the bioluminescent idea was removed from the Minecraft Feedback page after I recorded this video. (So within the last day or two) I'm not exactly sure what the reasoning was behind this, and if it was removed by the Mojang Staff or by the Original Poster, but I found that quite odd nonetheless. I guess we'll have to wait and see what that's all about.
Anddddddd also… Early Merry Christmas 😀
Lava cave
1.18 cave update pt.II hahaha
Ice cave pooog
How would Sniper react when ice caves do get added
I want a copper golem you craft the same way as an iron one.
Cows are secretly skeletons that’s why cows don’t spawn at night
Everyone: We need ice caves!
Sad jungle cave noises
Sticks are the best item we need lava caves
We need ice caves (with iceologers)
It actually doesn't make sense that cold biomes have same caves as hot biomes, what kind of logic is that?
Okay, I wasn't sure about the green axolotl, so I watched the minecraft live's axolotl section and they only showed footage of the basic pink axolotl, after I searched it up I only found the green axolotl in an add-on that was inspired by the update, so I don't think it's confirmed. (I keep posting this comment under the wrong video, guess I should sleep instead of searching up on false news)
Can someone show me the link to the bioluminescent cave ok on feedback, cant find it.
We need ice caves with iceoligers/chillagers and icicles!
I'm late but merry Christmas
But the only thing thing that I dreamed is riding a dolphin and turtle…
Merry Christmas with lots of cheese
we need ice caves!
i love the videos! can you mabye play 1.16 or something or the snapshots mabye for the screenplay? 😀
i feel like we chould really appreciate ehat mojang is giving us tbh 😛 they gave us the cave update and their not money hungry soo yeah
but its good to give suggestions
We neeed ice caves as well as caves for every climate type
I think they should revamp abandoned mineshafts
We need ice caves
Also I'd like more information about the cliffs side of this update
We need ice caves!
Have Lamas A.I be more suited to mountain travel. They would be able to travel faster on snow, not sink in powder snow, and will scare goats away.
We want ice cave
I just found out about this channel and I already love it
We need stalgmites and stalagtites ice and also other different variations of dripstone like, ice dripstone, mossy dripstone, and other dripstone..!
Edit: i hope they will increase the height is more than 300!
I think they are leaving the green axolotls for the lush caves, maybe🤔
“We need Ice Caves”
Iceway avesCay…. only epic people will understand that…
We need ice cave plssds
Add ice caves
Add ice caves
Add ice caves
Add ice caves
we neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed ice caves
There is definatly a lot we haven't seen yet.
I wonder if Mojang Devs would add a new rare type of plant called clover leaf plant. It would be cool and maybe we can use it to brew potion of luck.