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My first time ever beating Minecraft, featuring an unwelcome appearance by the Wither
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Edited by Samuel Bakas
make sure you watch until the end for a tease of what's to come 🙂
Omfg john why
Mikey do shift click for everything
No way, I watched the blast episode like an hour before this released. I've been blessed.
Yes this is awesome
Our goal for today is SPIDER SPIDER
That. Was. AWSOME! The intense music. The fact that mikey got the last shot on the dragon. The ending cliffhanger thing REEEEEEE
This defines one word… LMAO LOL
Rip jack 🪦 😢
This video was simply too good
R.I.P Jack the Chicken he will forever be missed❤️
This is a better plot then Dream SMP
15:35 are you sure you in joy the wither boss
good bye chicken
what if therye gonna play pixelmon?
Jack the chicken was just a wee little lad 😭
PIxelmon is coming on the cliffhanger
The best trio logo of all time …. fact
You should make a reaction video to dreams latest 4V1 man hunt video
John, why.
Jack,John and Mikey: Exists
Chickens: Gotta Go to the nether!!!!
Me: They are getting Netherite Chicken helmets for the bashing of End Crystals
Every single part of this video was perfect
Keep doing more pls
You can just she the utter fear I Mikey’s face when fell in the subscribe hole
Im sad that we didnt get a video with Justin playing this
dragon dead pog
He changed background From wither to this
Say it with me pixlemon, Pixlemon, PIXLEMON,PIxLeMOn
oooooo that tease is SPICEH
That's full owls do when is Suits on the spectral arrow they get target2 that's why they go the glowing they get target
Yes more minecraft this is always golden
vvv click here to claim your “here b4 the thumbnail changed” prize
So we all agree John is a moron and shouldn't be trusted right?
Justin, John and Jack, the three j’s of “MandJTV”
Purplecliff gives him a present then Mikey says “out of my way demon lady”
Is this series over? There is still many more things you can do.
Welp he beat me even tho I have been playing for 6 years
The bow that slayed the beast shall go down in history know as hail yeet
the goal today is spider
You forgot the dragon egg
Best tactic for the end, place tnt on the monument in the middle and shoot with fire arrows
If Jack or John trick Mikey one more time, I'm unsubbing from both of them
Why the New thunbnail
First Minecraft, next horror
Hearing Mikey curse really makes my day:)