My Favorite Village I have EVER BUILT in Hardcore Minecraft

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fWhip Built his favorite village ever in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21 Survival Let’s Play! Click the LIKE button and Please Subscribe!

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33 thoughts on “My Favorite Village I have EVER BUILT in Hardcore Minecraft”

  1. I know this is a late comment but this video and your last mountain dirt placing strem really motivated me to create. I have an island for dnd and I decided to create it in minecraft, as a way for my friends to play on it as a 3d and virtual map as opposed to our 2d ones. Going on 3 days of this island building o7

  2. I think the giant hole underwater should have stayed and make the mud look like lines that are slowly falling down there… Maybe something lives down there and is guarding the city!!.. Or even better something Was living down there for years and now its just a bone structure in the deepest place of the lake..!

  3. Sometimes ships wouldn't unload their cargo on a pier, but onto a barge. So the boat that might go in the middle, could be dropping off cargo to smaller barges to make a more interesting scene.
    Maybe put a golem on a lead to make it look like a crewman from afar?

  4. I ask this question in the most positive and accepting way possible, Do you have adhd? I know a few people in real life who have adhd, and you act very similarly to them (speech patterns, inflection) again, genuine question, no ill intentions

  5. New fWhip fans don't know how far back the dismantling and rebuilding of mountains goes. I do miss Building with fWhip and really wanted to see that custom mountain get finished. It was such an awesome project.

  6. Would it be possible to make the hanging “clothes” look more like hanging towels like maybe a bunch of people went swimming after their dock shift😊❤ love all your builds just thought it could be a cool element to add a bit of storyline and color


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