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Server IP – play.BendersMC.co (PORT – 19132)
Version – Java / Bedrock (1.21+)
Discord & Socials – https://linktr.ee/BendersMC
#minecraft #shorts #minecraftmemes
Server is Java & Bedrock 1.21+ We have a connection tutorial on Discord if you need it!📚
You should make a combination off them
Why do you dislike chi blocking so much it's the best attack and defense and has so many advantages
Benders mc das't work for me😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
I wanna play but the que seems endless
If you like lil kids then be a drake bender
Drake loves airbending
Damn that's a hot tip!
Bro the server has crashed so bad pls fix it
No one talks abt spirit bending 😭
We all know it's earth bending💀
My father has 7 siblings 3 of which are fully blood related to me and 4 of which including the 3 fully related to me I love with the other 2 of my siblings dont love with us
Hey bro pls pls pls make it cracked to join by tlancher😢
Bro what hapend to server 4 it was down now I jojned and my /home is TP to a random place
Can you make keep inventory servers plz
Your servers are full pls fix this
Can i play in bedrock?
Now we know who the middle child is.
Whats happening with the servers, i cantt get in and all of them are full. idk why but when i got in to one i get kicked back into the lobby
Earthbending on top
Thank you, this server is awesome
Can you play on Xbox
Yes “creativity.”
Where is magesmc?