My Dream Hidden Base in Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

This my Minecraft DREAM Hidden base. Using the Minecraft create mod, this self building house in Minecraft also self ‘unbuilds’ allowing you to have a base that can appear and disappear at the press of a button. This is the ultimate hidden base in Minecraft. No need for Minecraft hidden entrances, or Minecraft survival Bunkers, this is a giant Minecraft base that drops underneath the floor.

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33 thoughts on “My Dream Hidden Base in Minecraft”

  1. It could be more realistic if it worked like a block swapper (idr the technical term). Possibly allows for multiple bases to be put out in the same place and also beds (because it doesn't rotate)

  2. Now I'm convinced that knowledge about redstone is slightly similar to knowledge about physics (in my experience, it can be something else in other people's experiences in school, college or university)

    I mean when I learned physics in class I would remember everything, even on the next day and would be the best on this subject in class.
    BUT When I started to learn something else also with interest (or exactly Psychology and syndromes) I… Forgot everything… I can understand what is written in notebook but I can't learn it anymore…

    Or maybe it's just more symptoms of Undiagnosed ADHD, please, IDK

  3. Use the create mod to make a controlled flier, maybe by using servos to rotate a piston flier or by putting blocks on a mine cart with the mine cart attaching block and make a flier by using fans to propel the entity it is built on.

  4. OK I have some questions. First is no one going to question the fact that the house goes THROUGH the ground. Excuse me but I need an explanation. Also if u glue redstone to the ground and flip it over will it break. Cos if not then we have upside down redstone😶


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