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My BEST START EVER in Minecraft Hardcore!
Welcome to episode 1 of my brand new hardcore series! This episode I got started off and had the richest start in minecraft hardcore! 🔥
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House design by @FolliYt
This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is heavily inspired by sandiction, Farzy, Wadzee, Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, aCookieGod, and ezY ! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this let’s play series is similar to a CUSTOM MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better…
#minecraft #but #hardcore
I PROMISE I won’t die 😂
How were there 2 iron golem’s
Can you do a tutorial of the house you made pls
What if you die on the same day
Stop disrespecting, Birchwood😡
Jör mer videor
The one minecraft youtuber who doesn’t use fullbright
I'M NEW FAN!!!!!!!
Guilty is guilty for taking a villager’s bed
Why does he remind me of aCookieGod??
Yeah the Savanna biomes literally my least favourite gosh 😎😏😖😒😞
The house looks modern but with wood I really like that combination
I am your big it’s fan
He says some of my chests like there isn't enough space for every thing
I love your videos
what’s the coordinates for the spruce forest?
Wy do you like spurs wood
i saw a pink sheep
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