If want to get rid of that parrot, this command should kill just about anything if you stand next to it. /kill @e[distance=..10,limit=1,sort=furthest] I'm guessing that there is an invisible character somewhere in the parrot's name so your selector missed it. The /data command could help figure out how that parrot is invincible if you are curious about it. Or you can just have invincible parrot, either way.
If you want to kill the unkillable bird, try r=4 instead of the name, that will kill anything within 4 blocks of you, also add name=[your username]! so it won't kill you.
That bird is probably a final boss. The only way I can think of to make and KEEP a bird invincible involves at least 1 repeat command block giving it Regeneration 255, resistance 255, and absorbsion 255, and odds are there are multiple copies hidden nearby so if you want to kill it, you need to find those
Give the parrot a cookie
The bird has nanomachines, son
we…we need to find gricken! we HAVE to know if he's safe!!!!
If want to get rid of that parrot, this command should kill just about anything if you stand next to it. /kill @e[distance=..10,limit=1,sort=furthest]
I'm guessing that there is an invisible character somewhere in the parrot's name so your selector missed it. The /data command could help figure out how that parrot is invincible if you are curious about it.
Or you can just have invincible parrot, either way.
As someone who is addicted to mc commands i would love to help with pest extermination
Edit: nvm youre playing on bedrock, not my area of expertise
Who’s ready for maymas in just 81 days?
If you want to kill the unkillable bird, try r=4 instead of the name, that will kill anything within 4 blocks of you, also add name=[your username]! so it won't kill you.
Gricken is such a funny name
soon glob will take over the world and defeat ganon
Feed the parrot a cookie
Bro your crazy for making that map
You just do type = parrot (if you haven’t tried it yet) you wouldn’tput it’s name
That bird is probably a final boss.
The only way I can think of to make and KEEP a bird invincible involves at least 1 repeat command block giving it Regeneration 255, resistance 255, and absorbsion 255, and odds are there are multiple copies hidden nearby so if you want to kill it, you need to find those
W glob
Hair cut PLEASE!!!
/kill @e[name=Glob] will kill all fish named Glob
/tp @e[name=Gricken] will teleport you tp to the chicken
I’m pretty sure you need to change the bird name
Build 20 red bokos
Are you friends with SeliosSprings?
Just do a /kill glob, unless you want them there, because i say keep the glob fishies.
/kill @e[name=Glob]
Parrot probably has resistance 255 for that immortality. You need commands like a sharpness 1,000,000,000 axe
For the bird you can use /kill @e[distance=..4] while right next to the bird
So in this map we have
The glob fish army
A lost chicken
Dinosaurs that most definitely ate the crows
And an invincible macaw
/kill @e[name=Glob]
Rename the parrot to something like bob, the /kill anything named bob
Its a difrint o.
I love zelda games
Change the name of the bird and then you will be able to kill it
Why don't you just use /kill @e[type= ]?
Damn I really want access ima sub see if that will do anything lol😊
Maybe the bird is meant to resemble something called a Phoenix.
What’s the song??? It’s driving me crazy that I can’t remember
I wonder if feeding it a cookie will kill the parrot since I’m pretty sure parrots instantly die from eating them
Bro, Vah Meadow used the power of real life evolution 🗿