more places in the world portrayed by minecraft

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50 thoughts on “more places in the world portrayed by minecraft”

  1. Although I chuckled at the Brasil one it's sad that THATS the image that the world has of the country. Rio and São Paulo is violent–it is a big city so it only makes sense–but its literally only the favelas that ruin everything. It's like if you were trying to convince someone to come to the states and you showed them Detroit hoods…sure it exists, is violent, and we can't ignore it but it doesn't represent the country

    I wish cities like Curitiba (fun fact it is considered a "role model" by other countries), as well as a lot of the southern beautiful landscapes and terrain were the main attractions

  2. Lol, The part that shows Brazil remembers me a Story that my father told me, he lived in Minas Gerais, a Brazilian state, And he moved to Rio De Janeiro, another state, that is known to be Way too dangerous, anyway, he told me, that when he left his bus, 2 Guys stole all his money And some clothes, and sometime after that he got a job, met my mother, And today i am here.
    So i guess i can say that my father met my mother because of these thieves

  3. the most famous states from brazil in a word
    sp = shitty neighborhood
    RJ = black part of Brazil
    am = deforestation and unfortunately I have to say this
    rg = I don't know, this part of Brazil is the most unknown I think because I never heard anything from her
    and there's another very funny thing I don't know if there in the united states you know more here we have one thing called "folk history" and like there's saci, you know and like there's a city of sacis XD
    ps : Saci is like a black boy who wears a kind of Santa Claus cap
    smokes a pipe and only has one leg
    (it turns into a tornado I don't know why)


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