Mojang need to change their ways – now.

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39 thoughts on “Mojang need to change their ways – now.”

  1. I really liked Lifeboat Network Battle Royale and CubeCraft BattleZone but I didn't know why they got rid of such a good and popular game on their servers. But I think they got rid of the game due to Mojang's guidelines F

  2. I just REALLY want this to happen so it can save all the kids growing up with a gambling addiction because of minecraft servers
    at least we can try and fight back against that blight on the world

  3. There are about 8 gun mods in Curseforge at this moment…there are over 70 player owned servers I can see in front of me when I open Minecraft who have microtransactions and gambling stations…I really don't think Mojang cares as much as they state or these things would not exist. Its sad and pretty messed up but honestly trying to fight Microsoft is a losing battle. Now if Minecraft was "open source" and no rights were held to it…that's different. This is just an ongoing damnation of big gaming companies removing their brains to fit the rest of their cash flow…which leads to poor choices, damaging their own reputation and destroying an entire community the largest community I might add. I didn't like transferring to a Microsoft account, I have hated a big chunk of their new mobs lately, I don't like mob votes its actually just pointless. Any other game I've played with monsters there is no voting they are all just put into the new update…its not that complicated.

  4. It feels very sad to see the game I loved as a child and teen buckle progressively more under the weight of Microsoft's ownership. Both the game and its culture have changed so much that I find myself spending more time thinking about playing it that actually playing it; for better or worse, both of those metrics have grown close to none at all. A lot of that's just nostalgia, of course; my old servers and friends have moved on with time such that EULA changes and content updates are far from the biggest thing standing between those old days and myself. Nonetheless, it still saddens me to see that the game which once brought a lonely kid so much enjoyment and community seems to be slipping slowly and ever-further under the corporate bottom line.

  5. This seems really immature on mojang's part, since everyone knows the mods and servers with guns are third-party. The whole point of them making it with Java is that it can be modified and shared, and those texture and item packs haven't aggravated mojang. All of those are the fabric of the community and if they go after those mods just becuase "they don't like them" is stupid.

  6. Minecraft has gotten so far with how free you feel to do whatever the heck you want with the game (including modding and plugins) and mojang doing this is the literal antithesis of what the freedom of creation minecraft provides to us, they're shooting themselves in the foot.

  7. Mojang has lost all respect from me with all the massive overreach over the past few years, trying to regulate community servers they have zero involvement in, with various EULA rules already, the chat signing and now this. It would make my day if they get sued and burn.

    I wouldn't say anything if it was just "don't do anything involving gambling" but this is insane. Imagine Valve trying to do all of this to community TF2 servers for example. Or Epic with Unreal Tournament.

  8. "We don't like what you are doing" is a TERRIFYING precedent for anything you could ever put down in writing.

    Whoever greenlit this litigious nonsense shouldn't be allowed anywhere near legal documentation of ANY KIND, imo.

  9. Ah, a woke company enforcing extremist/radical liberal-stereotype policies. Banning "adult weapons", whatever that means, will only create a Streisand effect

    This clearly goes beyond just trying to 'parent' dozens of millions of people. Their desire for control in both our private and public affairs is not only a blatant attempt in playing 'God', but also entering totalitarian territory, if it hasn't alrdy with their 1.19 censorship update (which is where it rly began. Baby steps to the normalization of censorship and extreme moderation)

  10. there should be a blanket age restriction to any mature content servers. to act like adults don’t play it is silly considering it’s age and the people who originally popularized it. just let people do their thing


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