Minecraft's New "Rules" Are Terrible

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Today we’ll discuss how Minecraft’s New “Rules” Are Terrible. This latest update regarding java bans is causing much uproar in the community, especially the anarchy/2b2t community.

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Octopath Traveler

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46 thoughts on “Minecraft's New "Rules" Are Terrible”

  1. "in order to make Minecraft more family-friendly"
    Because Minecraft, one of the most popular games in history, just wasn't reaching that ever-present "wider audience."

  2. It’s the society raising kids thing, and Microsoft wants to look good. That’s helps their PR and marketing and big stonks. Doesn’t mean it’s actually good, but it doesn’t matter if it gives them brownie points (and pacifies parents who’d rather let a company or government raise their kids). At least that’s one theory. If it’s true it also doesn’t mean there isn’t another true one too. I wonder if the US government (who threatens big companies with “antitrust”) has a part in unspokenly influencing Microsoft. Or maybe it’s Microsoft just doing Microsoft or there’s a different reason, I don’t know

    (Edited for bolding)

  3. I don’t know why, but I want to hold them at gunpoint and force them to change it back to the original stuff and not make us migrate our accounts. What has Microsoft done to this game?

  4. Wait wait wait act of terrorism does that mean griefing oh no, all griefers this is a code black hide your tnt, your ender crystals, your commands, your flint and steel, lava, and spawn eggs our entire existence is being threatened.

  5. Keep in mind, some categories may not get you banned and are ignored. It helps moderators skip over floods of reports from innoculous sources. Don't take the list as "These are all bannable" take it as "Drop boxes" that moderators have to go through. For example, almost every moba has a category that's more or less "Shit talking" and they don't ban for that.

  6. Yes, the system could be subverted with a bombardment of false reports, but the question is: Is the primary motivation to free speech or enable abuse?

  7. This all makes sense.

    Having the world's library server go unrestricted for years is a liability to Microsoft considering chinese businesses have a massive stake in Microsoft.

    Halo's online chat censorships have gotten so bad that you can't even say a lot of regular words in a sentence without being blanked out.

    Microsoft wouldn't develop weapons tech for the military… for reasons.

    And new in Minecraft, straight up chat report systems. This should be reported to server admins instead to filter out the crap, and the really bad messages should be reported by the admins, not players.

    There's more out there I'm sure. But it's all making sense now.

  8. On 'official' servers it makes sense. But mc is mostly all privately hosted servers with mods and admins. It should really be up to them. Nobody else. What happens when people attack the admins with reports? yikes.

  9. Fiannly someone who gets it. my main point is that these arent their servers to moderate, and they are not wanted or needed. these are privately paid for, moderated and operated servers, add it to realms, sure but no private servers.

  10. Microsoft will keep taking away control of java edition from everyone. It'll keep being these tiny little things, whether it be data logging for future voice proximity updates, or auto moderation.
    The thing is, with how software companies work or well not even software just normal companies, the more control you have over your customers/userbase, the less likely they will be able to fight back. Before you know it, minecraft java will fall into a subscription base service, which makes more money than one time payments. It'll just be more and more tos changes and before you know it, you will have to make the choice of either saying and being okay with every tiny part of the game you enjoy so much being controlled not by the community but by the corporation who's only interest is to get more users to join and make more money, not just from the game license itself but from all the data they can collect from you and your microsoft account. Where's the line in all of this, facebook is already request government issued IDs for verification, and hell even google is too, so what's stopping microsoft from requesting parental identification for the adult account connecting to the email, just so some 8 year old can play a once was good video game. The companies like to make their products addictive as possible, like look at google, tiktok, minecraft even, the more addicts they make, the more profit they can make. Then you get to the point where it's like "We'll I'm just not going to use this product anymore" But I mean look at everyone who said that about youtube when they changed their ads to not being optional on videos, so whether or not the creator is getting paid you are forced to shove an ad down your throat and accept it. Adblockers just block the ad from being played to you, they don't stop the collection. The data collection all begins at the company and services you are forced to you either for work/school, or even with friends. The whole "there are alternatives" is bs. So I just see microsoft only cutting deeper and deeper into minecraft, just to form it to be a copy of bedrock, then after that kill off java servers, with the use of the elua, force them to follow it by the letter, and make them register their official server with microsoft, and if you don't follow the rules to the letter, then your server gets suspended/deleted/terminated and forever gone. And it'll be the same for plugin and mod developers, you'll have to register it with microsoft, like what you have to do with Visual Studio for the past 20 years. If not they'll either completely remove the ability to make plugins and mods and have a crack team of 5 employees making approved mods and plugins. It's all about data in the end. The users are no longer users, they are now just products to sell in the datawhore's dream of today and the future. Slowly selling off an individual and none the less if I am going to be sold like a piece of meat, then I would like to be paid for it, if not then we are nothing but cattle on a data farm with no rights.

    It's like how there are signs at places that say "don't feed the X animal" why, because then they are reliant on humans to feed them and no longer can fend for themselves. It's the same with companies. They'll feed you with services and games for you and your friends to play and build experiences and memories, but the moment you don't agree with the company's tos and any other future tos changes, then you either have to force to accept it, and get fed, or go back to the wilderness of the internet and starve to death, like the products we are.
    This isn't mojang's fault, they have already been sold off and replaced by pro microsoft employees. So what do we do as a community to at least prevent this? Nothing. Only laws can be implemented for corporations around data collection and harvesting, but nothing to stop companies from killing off a product and pushing another.

  11. I would be perfectly fine with this is server owners who use their own hosting system had an option to opt-out in their server config. I would still be perfectly fine if people joining these servers got met with a warning saying that global moderation is disabled on this server

  12. I have idea for it.
    Idea 1.
    make 3rd party account/launcher system and plugin for it.( it can be remove(make not work) the (report) system)

    Idea 2.
    don't play 1.19.1 ( multiplayer ) and stop realm subscription then use 3rd party hosintgs( lower 1.19.1 ) .
    it make minecraft team sad.

  13. pov: minecraft keep the report system:
    in Pvp server:
    PlayerA: I am strong if you won't to fight me then jump down!
    PlayerB: no 🙂
    PlayerA: then I'll k1l u
    PlayerA banned by Mojang
    PlayerB: woww! he good banned. ( later say bad joke )
    PlayerB banned by Mojang
    AdminOfThePVPServer: oh no,,,, ( later say bad joke )
    AdminOfThePVPServer banned by Mojang

    Mojang will ban legit( or good ) players a lot for just say bad word etc…..

  14. I know this is probably been said already but world of warcraft has been doing since the beginning to where you can report someone. So this is nothing new beside microsoft pushing it on minecraft.

  15. i really can't take anymore of this "family friendly" shit,it ruined internet,i miss the good old days were kids would see people get decapitated on LiveLeak,that's where real men were made

  16. Just get enough people reporting everything they can and overload their moderators, make it as painful as possible in terms of money for them to enforce and it’ll go away.

  17. This is considerate but stupid and untrustworthy. So many things go into a conversation. You could take so many inside jokes out of context. And limiting grown peoples speech because of the game being available for all ages is also unfair. Its for ALL ages.

  18. There has been a lot of drama in minecraft ever since microsoft bought mojang. Microsoft kills everuthing they touch; What a microsoft moment 🙁


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