Minecraft's Most CONTROVERSIAL Features

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Minecraft has a ton of beloved additions to the game that we have all enjoyed. However, there are features part of updates that have at one point or currently are hated and loved by many. These are the additions that have caused the most division among the community. I hope you enjoy 🙂

Sweden (Caution and Crisis remix) – C418
Danny – C418
Black Vortex – Scoring action by Kevin Macleod
Epic TV Theme by Audionautix


41 thoughts on “Minecraft's Most CONTROVERSIAL Features”

  1. No one should complain about the phantom. Out of millions of players complaining there were only 4 thousand votes. That's why you should always vote otherwise you won't get what you desire and cry.

  2. to be honest, im fine with all these changes. you shouldnt be able to craft OP items. you should be sleeping at night, regardless of anything, and leaving the enforcement of moderation to the individuals always ends badly. one more change id make is prevent players from installing, or running, any older versions.

  3. Personally, the reporting system was such a dumb thing that never should've been added. It's way too easy to exploit, and I bet it has massively. There was clearly no logical thought put into it and was just added half-assed.

  4. Love the video. Beta 1.8’s terrain generation was also – and still is – an unpopular change. Also people seem to forget how drawing back your bow, also added in beta 1.8, “ruined pvp” far before 1.9 supposedly did.

  5. I don't /we don't want the combat cool down system on console. If they absolutely must ruin console combat then a toggle button option will make the community happy. A way to toggle which combat style is used on any specific worlds or realms

  6. I want to say that chat report could have been a welcomed addition.

    If you could allow banned player on your servers, and no banning from si'hle player as well. And an option to only allow players above a certain age. So that when something explicit is reported its its not banned because the servers is only allowing older players.

  7. One of the more lost controversial things that to my knowledge was the first "Fans are adding better content than Mojang argument" Was wolves being hyped up only to come out as useless weak companions.

  8. Great video! I like this type of content. You got a sub.
    I remember when the combat update got released, i didn't actually hate the new combat system, i got used to it right away and it didn't bother me.

  9. i remember the snapshots leading up to 1.9s release and wondering if mojang would listen to the backlash or not. while i tend to enjoy the new combat more for single player, it’s undeniable that it was a mistake since almost every major server uses plugins to disable it and bedrock doesn’t even have it which worsens the divide between the versions. plus they’ve been doing experimental combat snapshots for a while

  10. Every server had a problem with pay to win. Literally every server had kits that came with purchased ranks which you could only get through a purchase. When some little bitch with moms credit card and a 100 dollar rank could get a prop 5 unbreaking 5 diamond armor set in their kit every 24 hours. And yes you read that right prop 5 and unbreaking 5


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