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Minecraft’s FUNNIEST FAKE Speedruns EVER…
I”ve shown “The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” , “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” , “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.21 Minecraft Speedruns…”, to expose the FUNNIEST FAKE Speedruns I’ve EVER SHOWN… TRUST ME!
#minecraft #speedrun #linusstudios
Edited by Lang2Views
He said iron pickaxes aren’t able to spawn in Minechaft chest even though when he showed all the loot tables at the bottom, it said iron pickax
wait can't you see how far away you are from 0 0 aka spawn
I love how he didn't mention how he used netherack for the portle why he say obsidian can't spawn in blacksmiths
31:36 where did he get dimonds
I know enough about Speedruns too know most of them have played or studied a game to know more about it than I ever will down to the % of drops or how to break the game.
Bro knows no Minecraft facts -_-. Half of the stuff he says is fake bruh
Change your profile pic… it’s so weird
Linus when rent is due
The fact that he got 22K subs in 11 hours is insane
16:54 golems don’t attack me when i hit them while they’re in the cages, but ive also seen like, 5 – 7 golems in the cage, but that part about the 12 iron is weird
how are you even getting these videos… i’m pretty positive YOUR video is fake 😭😭
where does one find these fake speed runs 🤥 you clearly did these your self, what makes me even more mad is the fact that your making a living off of "faking fake speedruns" I dont know how so many people are tricked by what you are doing. this just makes me mad.
19:30 Bro you don’t get Suit Up from leather armor 💀
I mean I spawned close to an outpost before but not right next to one 16:12
bros skin changed in a
speedrun 31:05 – 32:22
isn't the achievement suit up for iron armor?
crafting table in a bastion 🤣 37:07
whatever pays the bills bro
When a world is first loaded in, the cursor is perfectly lined up with blocks at a 90 degree angle. I don't think a single one of these runs had that, meaning all of them were played on before.
The funniest thing is these cheat fake runs aren't even close to the legit wr's even in rsg which is hilarious
The suit up advancement only happens with iron armour, leather armour would not give it
there was also soul soil and a crafting table in the bastion, which means that the player has already been to the bastion and put those blocks down. 13 :08
I know all of these faked runs are pretty egregious, but somehow the most egregious one of all is the Woodland Mansion one because world gen is hard-coded so that Woodland Mansions cannot generate within a certain distance of your spawn point. Like there's impossible loot generation and fucking – blaze dungeon – but that's the worst on for me for some reason.
The sound effects are killing me 😭
These videos have been done to death
I 💓 u
The wool on the ground in the first speedrun Is a wolf kill
What fake ):<
That bomb encased in iron was a dragon cannon
You're talking about things being loaded for very long yet not talking about iron golems not attacking the player when they get attacked, which only happens when the players summons them
19:31 leather armor doesn't give ANY advancement. Iron armor gives "Suit Up" and only iron..
23:25 he is in bedrock
You forgot to mention that they weren't looking straight when they spawned in.
14.48 dead bush cant spawn in beach biom
Why people so dumb
I can bet anything to say that some of these runs must be trolls
this guy has milked this shit so hard
27:27 We can see the slot is 9, no 1
I still like you she was only 17 it wasn’t that bad js remember you still got people who like yoi
24:08 did you notice the daimond?
5:55 as everyone knows golems don't attack player that create it. This means he built them and then killed
These 'fake speed runs' i dont buy them i think hes the one doing it