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These are the FUNNIEST and WORST fake Minecraft speedruns… This is Minecraft’s FUNNIEST FAKE Speedruns…
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/LinusStudios_
Discord: https://discord.gg/2GmtereF5E
I found some of the MOST HILARIOUS and WORST fake Minecraft 1.17 speedruns that have been submitted… In this video, I talk about these runs and break them down, and it was insane.
You probably saw my last three videos “The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft SPEEDRUNS…”, “Hilariously FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…”, “These are the FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…”, and “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…”, but this is part 5! This was super funny, subscribe if you enjoyed!
#LinusStudios #Minecraft #Speedrun
Go check out my new channel where I expose a TON of FAKE SPEEDRUNS! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClOOx4AXFtUxYA_Q-OfP-tg
Problem is that these are never actually "fake". They're always made as a meme
Ima slap em
you sound like wifies
Stop blurring the names
no you fake speed runs if you jion my game in minecraft!
and ban you from my minecraft!
If WE made a fake speed run at least WE would try to hide lol worst at hiding things
Him: actually 0 percent of people who watch my videos are ACTUALLY subscribed!!!
Me, watching this subscribed: I am 69420 parallel universes ahead of you
4:50 He probably has the "blocks but drops random items" mod on
My dog said it’s time for me to get pinned today
YouTubers: 1% of my viewers are subscribed
Me: but you have a lot of subscribers
this dude is stupid I Don't Know how doesn't he get the joke
His sword was already enchnted in the first one
Once me and my brother was playing Minecraft and we went in the nether and then spawned in a freaking fortress 😳😳😳
It’s worrying how badly faked these are
Subscribe to him
Nice tshirt you like tyler?
Why am I so big
One of the reasons why minecraft is the best game
Still more progress than I’ve made in a single survival world
Are you sure these are fake?
Ah yes, people forgetting to turn off the fake Speedrun mod for Minecraft
I noticed that the first speedrun was so oversaturated.
i feel like you can't tell what jokes are
All these vids are so funny and always crack me up
It’s funny how the second one he never changed to survival
Linus I have an video idea: What if Notch never gone out of mojang
Dude you have 425 thousand subscribers you do have people who are subscribed watching your videos
3:25 thats you
How are 0 percent not subbed? U got over 1k subs
vro can u tell zizzy to unban me bro he false banned me for flyu hacks
7:04 R.I.P Axolotl
When he burned the axolotl-
I’m so surprised you like Tyler the creator from your shirt nice pick
So what the 425k subscribers don't watch your videos anymore? You said that nobody who watches your videos is subscribed