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This is basically “The story of Manhunt” an origin story of the Dream Manhunt!
My twitch!!! https://www.twitch.tv/seawattlive
Big thanks to @Grox For some voice acting
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#minecraft #MinecraftManhunt
IF this video hits 50,000 likes I will host a 300 person Minecraft gameshow later this month!! Join my discord to have a shot to be in it!
Imagine when they killed the dragon the smp died
Bruh he is soooooooooooooooooo dead
I really like how ghe went to beat the dragon only using stone sword, You and your team are
Is that grox
Yes grox is here in this video
I feel like he's the new dream + technoblade
Are you dream
How do you guys have obsidian without a diamond pic? Oh nevermind
Fake piglin
This is VERY entertaining
O.o 👍
He faked something I saw if he went to the nether how could he have the water bucket that he used in the end that’s one thing that I saw
I fr end
Oh wow
already subbed bro
👁👄👁So gud content👁👄👁
Ayeee i dint notice grox mc
The builder vs the speedrunner
I luv ur Videos
Imagine this comment getting a heart
Edit: you get it in gunpowder nvm
SeaWatt: Ok 1 more hit. Ok, I got it.
Villager: Ayo, why did you kill the Iron Golem.
SeaWatt: I am going to kill you next.
Villager:* Turns away*
I love it when he said Wait did I clear my mods folder? At 5:35
💮💗🌟🌠💙👙🎄✨🌠✈💮✈🎋💮✈💮👙💙💙🌙👙 God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead He'll give you eternal life
(Look up at the sky and ask God)
0:50 This has happened to absolutely all of us at some point in our lives.
The hunter is so stupid
Dude boat clucth with a 360 bro awsome👏
SeaWattgamming: Nice I got 3 iron!
Me: It couldn't get worse then that
Even though I feel like this is scripted it’s still good
This video is really really really really really really really really good
100%100 this is fake but nice ending
Guys I think we are finding new dream so get ready for the bad comments
Plot twist!
This is a copy of dream
Its manhunt but good ending :)))
"Yay I got 3 iron enough for a bucket!" casually has 4 iron in the inventory
“Did I clear my mods folder” LMAO
You know why he always survived?
He forgot to clear his mod folders.
Did i clear my mods folder ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣