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Here are some extra scenes from “Minecraft: Zombie Apocalypse” from @GeorgeNotFound’s channel. We talk about the challenge and show the abilities of the zombies more clearly.
Original video: https://youtu.be/Zu4R9dxgdxE
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Twitter/Instagram: @GeorgeNotFound
This video was a lot of fun to record, make sure to go check out the original video.
This was very big epic fun Minecraft challenge!
you could probally make a ravine with the zombies
Can they beak obsidian?
conclusion: George has plot armor
Why didnt you use the flint and steel on the ground to burn the zombies? you could've burnt them and then sweeping edge mowed them down
tower up, box urselves in and put lava around the box so they cant climb up ?
imagine doing minecraft hitmen with zombies but with no boundaries
If they had towered to build height, the arrows would have hit them
But couldn’t y’all just built out of range of the arrows?
Fire res plus lava lake!
What about using lava against them?
The fact that sapnap sacrificed himself was kinda sad
Op strat: build with leafs, then burn them down, they ll not be able to come anymore
Could they have lighted the zombies in fire or was there a code that stops the zombies from burning?
I wonder if the zombie spawned in the nether
You could try to go to the nether and just set up a ring o fire so they can get to you and they just burn to death
They could’ve just used a boat😐
i wish they towered over the temple, maybe theyd set off the tnt and kill a couple of them 😮
Dream every five seconds: AHHH IM IN THE PIT IM IN THE PIT
Wait someone found George? FINALLY
i love how the most popular mc content on youtube rn isn't let's plays but coded challenges
world war z but minecraft
How did the zombies break block faster than the players iron pickaxe
George: I survived for a whole hour!
Schools: Are u kidding me? thats insultingly low
Why was this the actual zombie movie
I found George
How bout a video where the dream team has a bunch of subscribers play with them and try to kill them and if they beat the ended dragon the dream team wins it can be dream, George, and Sapnap also Bad if you want it really depends on how many subs they can allow to play with them
great vid
Cool video
Make them build over water
The way the zombies swarm in caves reminds me of the ones in Teleglitch
George is like the one they have to mentor and later becomes better but worst then the first ones
If theres a baby zombie, it would be FASTER THAN GOSH DARN SONIC
5:48 uhhhh
Now try surviving piglins/hoglins/hogs/charged creeper invasion
When Dream died I cried, when Sapnap sacrificed himself for George I cried even harder. We love a brave king.
Did NO one catch how shiny that "golden apple" was guys? xD
Hello friend
I'm thinking a little about L4D. You did the different types of Zombies before, but there was no visual cues about which one did what. What about this:
Zombie types only spawn if the zombies need them. So no diggers appear until you're underground. No archers appear until you're too far away. No swimmers appear until you're in the water. Basically the zombie logic is this: "Can I get to them? If yes, get to them, if no, what to I need to get to them? Put that zombie in the queue to spawn next". Also, change the spawning so zombies spawn next to other zombies, so the horde is growing and coming after you.
As for visually distinct zombies, what about this:
Regular Zombie: Base type
Child Zombie: Even faster (Spawns when you're on the ground but too far away)
Zombie Villager: Smashes bricks and walls (Spawns when you're on the same level, but behind walls) Could this one be bigger?
Skeleton Archer: Archer (Spawns when you're far away and much higher than the zombies)
Zombie Child Villager: Climber (Also Spawns when you're far away and much higher than the zombies)
Zombie Shepherd Villager: Teleports a group of zombies to the player's location (Spawns when you're on the same level but out of arrow range)
Zombie Mason Villager: Digger (Spawns when you're below the zombies)
Drowned: Swimmer (Moves fast under water, spawns when zombie is in the water)
Drowned with Trident: Drowned with Trident (Spawns when you're still far from the zombies in the water)
Zombie Armorer Villager: Arms nearby Zombies with swords. (Spawns when there are more than 20 zombies in the area)
Zombie Tool Smith Villager: Arms nearby Zombies with swords. (Spawns when there are more than 40 zombies in the area)
Evoker: Evoker (Spawns when there are more than 100 zombies in the area) Kill the Evoker and all zombies in the area die zombie spawning is paused for 5 minutes.
These changes will create not only a challenge, but a narrative. It'll give you the chance to run away, build a safe space, try to level up, and then a smasher comes through the wall. Suddenly you've got an Evoker, but will you risk it for the biscuit?
cool video
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