Minecraft WTF Moments That Will BLOW Your Mind #6

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Please note: On Gamers React, you will discover highly edited gaming clips from streamers. Clips used in the video are submitted by fans through our email and discord server. I spend over 12 hours per video editing to transform these clips into something that has never been seen before! There is also commentary from me that is included within the video for either added entertainment or to highlight something the audience may have missed out on without said commentary. My edits include creative subtitles, that we edit (it may go bigger or smaller based on the person’s speech or have some other kind of edit). Creative sound effects like cartoon effects when someone either falls from a high place, hits the ground, falls in lava, dies in the game, and much more. We include many memes in the video to make the video more entertaining for the viewer to watch as well as include many green screen effects to make the videos more comical and creative. We also spend time zooming in on peoples faces as well as zooming into certain parts of the video to highlight something the viewer may be missing out on if there were no zoom ins. We also manipulate audio or video in our clips to ensure there is no dead air for our viewers to watch. Over 50 clips are used in every video and we come up with a creative way to alter EVERY SINGLE clip to make it our own and UNIQUE to OUR channel. The majority of the unedited (or original) version of the clips I use can NOT be found anywhere else on YouTube. If you have any concerns or want a clip of yours removed, please send an email at [email protected]

SUBMIT CLIPS IN THIS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/9rH9a5Z

Checked pinned tweet on our twitter account for the $300 GIVEAWAY!!!

instagram https://www.instagram.com/gamersreactyt/
tik tok @gamersreactyt

Background Music:
“Night out” by LiQWYD https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd

This is our 6th video in Minecraft WTF Moments!!! This one is crazy. In these videos, we should clips from streamers of just some absolutely crazy and weird moments that you probably have never seen like. Alot of them are 5 minute lag issues but others are even just weird glitches or things that should not be happening in minecraft. I hope you guys enjoy this one!

▼ Players featured in this episode, thanks everyone!:
(In order of appearance)

GeorgeNotFound https://www.twitch.tv/georgenotfound
crispy https://www.twitch.tv/crispy
Dowsky https://www.twitch.tv/dowsky
dreamwastaken https://www.twitch.tv/dreamwastaken
illumina1337 https://www.twitch.tv/illumina1337
n0rt0n9 https://www.twitch.tv/n0rt0n9
Nibshanks_ https://www.twitch.tv/nibshanks_
PeteZahHutt https://www.twitch.tv/petezahhutt
Ceonet6 https://www.twitch.tv/ceonet6
Clym https://www.twitch.tv/clym
Inaar https://www.twitch.tv/inaar
lazykiller756 https://www.twitch.tv/lazykiller756
realbenex https://www.twitch.tv/realbenex
Sneegsnag https://www.twitch.tv/sneegsnag
xQcOW https://www.twitch.tv/xqcow
tommyinnit https://www.twitch.tv/tommyinnit
biel_snz https://www.twitch.tv/biel_snz
Bowshot https://www.twitch.tv/bowshot
cyb3rzzz https://www.twitch.tv/cyb3rzzz
forsen https://www.twitch.tv/forsen
lmBlitzTV https://www.twitch.tv/lmblitztv
ItsPPolar https://www.twitch.tv/itsppolar
jelliefruit https://www.twitch.tv/jelliefruit
Mayichi https://www.twitch.tv/mayichi
Nerdi https://www.twitch.tv/nerdi
OnlyBently https://www.twitch.tv/onlybentley
Philza https://www.twitch.tv/philza
Shrillionaire https://www.twitch.tv/shrillionaire
We1tx https://www.twitch.tv/we1tx
WadeyJunior https://www.twitch.tv/wadeyjunior
Vinesauce https://www.twitch.tv/vinesauce
Punz https://www.twitch.tv/punz
TheEret https://www.twitch.tv/theeret
charlieplayeverything https://www.twitch.tv/charlieplayeverything
Wallibear https://www.twitch.tv/wallibear
ParnstarZilean https://www.twitch.tv/parnstarzilean
supertf https://www.twitch.tv/supertf
TheNoxcrew https://www.twitch.tv/thenoxcrew

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