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Minecraft wait what meme part 438 (scary minecraft moment)
Funny moments in Minecraft.
Hi, my name is Josa Craft. I live in USA. If you live in the USA, then write about it in the comments.
To Be Continued – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDTrOLSv9LTxfVaISf4v3ryUnIt53Ec4
Best Traps – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDTrOLSv9LQvL2Jltoq2cLyls9Z3lBd1

That one friend:minecraft is bad game dont play it
Me and steve:
"I love your gaming compilation so mach JoSa Craft"
Carving furnaces like pumpkins
Just stand there and doing nothing about it
Their too small to see them breeding when something is blocking their way
Falling off the horse when trying to sleep again
Yeah everybody can do that
When your evil twin just killed the love of your life
You know you could get your revenge for her instead of killing yourself and see her but your not going to
Didn't we already experience this?
Well that was retarded because he thinks he can just go there and kill them or jump across like hulk
What was the point of that?
5:29 WHAT????????
Every following the vídeos of Josa Craft
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