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Minecraft wait what meme part 301 (Slendrina NextBot)
Funny moments in Minecraft.
Hi, my name is Josa Craft. I live in USA. If you live in the USA, then write about it in the comments.
To Be Continued – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDTrOLSv9LTxfVaISf4v3ryUnIt53Ec4
Best Traps – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDTrOLSv9LQvL2Jltoq2cLyls9Z3lBd1
Awesome, my friend. 😍💕 Thanks for sharing. 👍 Have a nice weekend. 🤗✨
It is because soul sand is not a full block, it is a half block so items can pass through with a hopper or falling blocks can be destroyed when they fall on it.
Please nextbot joker 🃏
Josa craft is the best
There's nothing above the block. 256 9:50
Hahaha😹 miss open door🚪 and the same
Hahaha hahaha a hahaha your you 🆘sos
why don't you just make a nextboxt video?
Wu my run
bamos que llegues a los 10.000 lik
Those creatures can be created in halloween not in real life but you can make videos about that
what is slendrina doing on the cover of the video? 🤣
So it's the grass or the grass block making the chicken take damage?
TNT only blows up the bottom but not the top when the slab is there?
Are you going to use those carved wood for wooden golem?
It doesn't work on soul soil…wait a minute didn't we already experience that?
What's a slendrina is it a slender who becomes Cinderella? Or it's a gender swap of Slenderman?
Realistic house
Well that was f*** up
Why do they have to be so dumb?
It shoots the bucket out instead of water?
This horseshit is why my son can't just watch minecraft videos without me checking on him every time the video changes. Wish I could block these garbage channles.
Это будет страшна
what what what
WATCH VIDEO !!!!!!!!!!!