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Minecraft wait what meme part 184 (very scary Steve)
Funny moments in Minecraft.
Hi, my name is Josa Craft. I live in USA. If you live in the USA, then write about it in the comments.
To Be Continued – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDTrOLSv9LTxfVaISf4v3ryUnIt53Ec4
Best Traps – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDTrOLSv9LQvL2Jltoq2cLyls9Z3lBd1
It didn't touch the pressure plate so how did it activate the TNT?
Ugly chest
Just like in real life if you heat up a bone it'll turn into dust powder like or coal at least it wasn't cooked then it would be a cooked bone
1 TNT would blow things for Instructionally Zones
2 So he got this spot for Shulker Box
3 Boat with Cart and Josa sits
4 Boat with Cart and Josa with Pig Jockey
5 Boat with Cart and Josa sits with both Pig One Jockey
6 He Finally Made obsidian below Water
7 It got beside water for cobblestone
8 Whenever they made Very Scary Steve hits from Iron Pickaxe there were Brain also
9 They are flying cart for the Rod as they Touch them
10 Something’s Blows front TNT
11 What they use type for backside chest
12 Bone would work on logic
13 It work from coal because of Bone
Coming soon part 190 scary blaze
ender skeleton
let's take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us…..!!!! 🏆🏆🏆🏆💗💗🚀⚡⚡⚡
What a presentation…!!!
oh only 814 like
Steve is not really humain because he have no bones
Sou .subscrib
Sei pazzo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Maaaaaaaa 🧐🧐🧐🧐
100 k likes for party 185
Even i try is work
The scary steve is Herobrine
I love 😃🤘
eresmi youtuber faborito xd traes buen contenido grasias crak sige asi
Josa craft pro😎😎
4:06 i think this guy stabbing their friend with iron pickaxe
Please scribe my
Ñ xd
Hello, my friend. 🤗 💕 Awesome upload. 👍 Have a nice day. 😘 💖
1 TNT would blow things for Instructionally Zones
2 So he got this spot for Shulker Box
3 Boat with Cart and Josa sits
4 Boat with Cart and Josa with Pig Jockey
5 Boat with Cart and Josa sits with both Pig One Jockey
6 He Finally Made obsidian below Water
7 It got beside water for cobblestone
8 Whenever they made Very Scary Steve hits from Iron Pickaxe there were Brain also
9 They are flying cart for the Rod as they Touch them
10 Something’s Blows front TNT
11 What they use type for backside chest
12 Bone would work on logic
13 It work from coal because of Bone
Lanjut part 900 nanti bang
Windows 10 edition
Java edition How Minecraft Pe 😮😮😂😂😱👌
Nothing over update
Experiental 1000
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Your videos are awsome
6:50 skeleton with left hand(11% chance)
4:05: Throw the pickaxe and Steve had blood.
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