Minecraft VS My New PC

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

I now have a new PC from MSI, With a GeForce RTX 3090 GPU, I9-10900K 20 thread processor, 128GB of RAM, this thing is a monster of epic proportions. I wanted to see how well it could cope with Minecraft pushed to it’s extreme. Can I kill Minecraft? How smooth is playing Minecraft with a RTX 3090 GPU and a i9-10900K processor? We explode 1 million blocks of TNT, make a world out of TNT and sand, dispense thousands of chickens, run sonic ethers unbelievable shaders on RTX 3090, Hermitcraft shaders, Mumbos base with shaders, and load the Hermitcraft shopping district. IT’S A MEGA TEST!

MSI NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 24GB SUPRIM – https://uk.msi.com/Graphics-Card/GeForce-RTX-3090-SUPRIM-X-24G
WTB: https://www.scan.co.uk/products/msi-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3090-suprim-x-24gb-gddr6x-ray-tracing-graphics-card-10496-core-1410mhz-gpu
MSI MEG Intel Z490 GODLIKE – https://uk.msi.com/Motherboard/MEG-Z490-GODLIKE
WTB: https://www.scan.co.uk/products/msi-meg-godlike-intel-z490-s-1200-ddr4-sata3-3x-m2-sli-crossfire-10gbe-wifi-6-bt51-usb32-gen2-tb3-e

CPU – I9-10900K
MB – MSI Z490 Godlike
GPU : MSI GeForce RTX 3090
RAM – 128 GB (4 x 32 GB) 3600MHZ Dual Channel
Storage: 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive
Storage: 2 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive
1200 W 80+ Titanium Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply
Custom Water loop

Modder who built the PC: http://mod83.com/

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


32 thoughts on “Minecraft VS My New PC”

    Minecraft runs on a single core, which is why I opted for this CPU as it's a good balance between single core performance (turbo boosts to 5.3GHz) and multiple cores for editing. I did look into AMD offerings but this still seemed like the best fit for me… And now I prepare for the million replies saying I am wrong!

    Second note – I didn't mean to read the specs twice, so it was an accidental flex, but a hard flex it definitely was.

    Third note – I ALLOCATED MORE RAM in the end (I forgot to do it in the first test). I went up to 8GB as I read that is the optimum, allocate too much and the data clearing causes spikes (This is something I experienced on my last system, however it's totally anecdotal!!). One thing to clarify, while in the shopping district it only ever reached 60% usage before being cleared, so it likely wasn't bottlenecking anything there. (Once again, could be wrong)

    Fourth note – keep in mind I was playing in 4K resolution while recording, my actual framerates without recording are slightly higher, and in windowed 1080p are MUCH higher (But I can't play at anything less than 4K!)

  2. “I know screensavers aren’t really a thing. That’s a really 2004 statement. I’m sure a lot of the people watching right now don’t even know what a screensaver is.”

    Ouch that hurt me. I feel old.

  3. this isn’t much of a test, being that it’s still minecraft…. no disrespect, but I would love to see how this thing handles on Cyberpunk with Psycho raytracing settings in 4k. I would be surprised if you got even 40 fps.


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