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Mojang is removing name history (like Dream’s old name, DeltaNinja) from over 40 million Minecraft accounts. But what does that mean? Let’s talk about it.
IP: mcbyt.manacube.com
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Texture pack: https://youtu.be/69jgFjPkex4
0:00 – Intro
0:16 – Why?
1:42 – RIP Name Lookups
2:51 – Finding friends
3:15 – Accountability
4:42 – Sniping
7:45 – Outro
bye love u
so basically: good change for trans people, bad change for name snipers
someone else suggested a toggle name history option and that would probably be the best middle ground …
I swear if levidaniels2004 is watching this right now…
Now ppl can't see my cringe name history
It's me again! Love you man! Great content 👍😌
What texture pack do you use
Mojang should make username history switchable
Is this also on bedrock?
They gave a clear explaination, people who had other famous peoples names in the past will no longer be able to pretend to be famous people
They ruined the humor of NoWeDont 😭. Also no one likes name snipers
Great vid
But you could already get personal information removed by contacting support…
this is honestly a stupid thing to complain about. I got doxxed because of a PayPal leak involving my old username, which leads back to me. I am all for this privacy change
Just wanted to say, NameMC has clarified that they WILL continue to display name history from the info they've saved over the years. They're also going to have a rough estimate of future name history (because they aren't getting the info from the API, they have to check for name changes on their own). HOWEVER, what I mentioned about being able to use the GDPR to get your info removed isn't necessary; they'll be allowing you to hide your name history at will. Some of these problems (e.g accountability and sniping transfer I believe) will still remain, but it's a very good start to improving!
(also join ManaCube they're cool i like them mcbyt.manacube.com ok love u bye)
good. name history only enables people to stalk you so you're always recognized after name changes. legitimate uses = slim to none. people can always publicly share their previous names if they wanted that info public. all the name sniping stuff is also just a dumb practice built around greed and meaningless clout, so i'm glad it's made harder.
well its probably a good thing cause some players usernames used to be their real name so maybe its a step forward for that.
Bro your videos are amazing, always excited to see a new vid. Because of you I’m informed of this stuff and I think your gonna get a lot more success on this channel if you keep going!
this is horrible for namemc and whatnot but weirdly enough, this is kind of a good thing for me because one of my really old igns reveals personal information and i just want that off the internert (blame 8 year old me, not me)
I started making soft recently, I was wondering if you wanna do any features.
it’s not like they could have just added an option to hide your name history or remove names from your name history, id even be fine with that if they had it off by default, it would still suck but would suck less
Honestly I have a mixed opinion, I used to have a very embarrassing username that I have now changed but at the same time some accounts could lose value. (My current ign is sibys, look at my first ign if you are curious).
I started here.
Ok I just released that this isn’t that bad. I released that on namemc anybody can see my skins, and the skins I used to have. I don’t want some strangers to see my Minecraft skins. Where privacy?
I hope that name sniping thing dies a slow painful death, that whole system just sounds really dirty, what if the original owner of the name wanted it back and only lost the name through unfortunate circumstances? How much would they have to pay? A small amount? An exorbitant amount? Who knows. Honestly, besides the trying to find an old friend and account lookups, this unexpected no communication change does more good than bad in my opinion.
I swear mojang thinks they think they can do whatever the fuck they want and expect us to accept what happened , like nobody liked the 1.9 combat update 6 years later i kinda like 1.9 pvp. beta 1.8 added hunger, now i like the hunger system more than the old one
4:28 what about their profile uuid or whatever its called?
I dont see how one could get mad at this
I wouldn't be surprised at this point of mojang is purposely destroying Java edition
multiplayer server currency scammers are probably happy with this horrible change…
you can find the accounts also with uuid
I'm actually really happy that they are removing it. I am trans and I have my deadname and my birth year in my username history.
40million plus lmao it’s 200 million without including minecraft china which has more than normal minecraft
the next thing mojang is going to remove is mod support xd
Can't wait to see your other videos.
"i wont waste time" proceeds to make a 8 min vid
Tf just make this sh*t optional in the first place… why do something forced that many people don’t want?
what shader pack are you using?
Personally i feel Name History like NameMC should stay for server moderation and and don't some try to put viruses on game… and i do love sites that are good for historical stuff and i gladly like seeing my on these and all but i guess that's just me
they already let you remove names with personal info from the api (you just have to contact mojang support) so i don’t know why they think it’s necessary
I will lose so many friends from them not being able to see my name history. 🙁
I never changed my minecraft name in 6 years and I'm proud of it
I guess my name is short cool and semi-og
ign: Togld
There should definitely be an opt-in to enable name history api
Doesn’t really change a lot tho
If you changed your name a few days before this announcement and you wanted to get that name back using the 6 days, will this not be possible?
how's it going so far?