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Minecraft UHC but you can craft ‘Armor Armor Armor’.. it’s OP..
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Edited by: https://twitter.com/POSITIVEANGIE
Texture Pack: Default Minecraft UHC
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#Minecraft #UHC #Netherite #G2A
Armor armor armor armor
Sword sword sword sword
Bow bow bow bow
Arrow arrow arrow arrow
Trident trident trident trident
Golden apple golden apple
Nestor using the crash Bandicoot music is so pog.
Xnestorio plus like this comment for my hard work. This is how many times you said armor. 66
OMG You said armour 30 I was able to count 30 I don’t know if you said it even more because you’re saying very fast
face reveal
whats real stats of people not subcribed to you? because its obvious that youre showing fake stats
I can't wait for the "waxed lightly weathered copper stairs waxed lightly weathered copper stairs waxed lightly weathered copper stairs."
How about axe axe axe
One of the things I love about this channel is that when Nestorio talks about the sponsor it’s so short. Love it
With all the diamond blocks with the armor you could make a MANSION of diamonds!!!!
You are a god
He said armour 89 times
Do you know what annoys me very much? All your videos have lots of views and not much likes. Some guys watch the videos again giving you more views but they dont leave a like. And thats annoying to me."CHANGE MY MIND"
The Fact that one of the item is called Heat Wave Goodbye
Buy the xnestorio cape
I can buy your cape and use it in mcpe not mc java mc pocket edition tel me pliz
I like your UHC
me with leather armor : 🙁
And his Mrch the best mrch ever did you no that 80 present of the people waching are not subscribed o to his discord server dont forget to buy the xnestorio kape only the best minecraft mrch ever
Its proven uhc get subscribers he had 700k subs a week ago I think
Oops my tablet is gliche sub to his channel or I will hunt you don y do you watch him but aren't subscribed
I'm your biggest fan xnestorio
Alt title : guy having gay colored armor and destroys the whole world
You should make a video with the bow bow bow sword sword sword and the armor armor armor
do the axe axe axe
Day 1 of telling nestor he is legend Youtuber
You make the thumdnail armor look texter look so good but then in the UHC it's like meh not too great looking.
Stop talking about g2a
This is how many times he said armor
Why not waterite?
Armor armor armor