Today we’re testing out Minecraft Traps From Level 1 To 100! These Minecraft Traps ranging from Level 1 to level 100 are crazy! I love the creativity on them!
Hey shark or andrew I found one scary upload like the farlands man or that thing in Minecraft creepy pasta wiki please I subscribed and liked every of your video,s one thing made unhappy why can,t you got to Rage Elixir he done scary video,s like you If you do it I will like every video by samanvitha and I'm born 2011 call me amber
hey shark, remember herobrine and entity 303 what if herobrine was the old john of mojang studios and got fired then the hacker entity hacked into its world and whenever herbrine/john asked the hacker that who are you what is your name then the hacker would say if you ever say those things i will kill you and and hack your server and kill your relatives one by one without you knowing so he got afraid and never told about that ever agian but when on July 1st (whatever year) herobrine and entity wanted to get bedrock and they wanted to get it at a very specific place named as x3 y0 and z3 then what if entity killed all of their relatives without him knowing he killed him and hacked his server so maybe tht is why herbrine told you and Lucus for you to not play on july 1st thats what i heard from the interent if you have any luck finding the truth i will give the best of luck to you shark stay safe and stay healthy so bye bye and also one more suggention an you play jurassic world evolution 1 and 2
remember the *ANGRY* Kid series
Its my b day
Do Minecraft vid about being sonic
Umm sorry im un sub for breaking somones work
11:00 SHARK I am not subscribing anymore!! I mean like look at this it's all rubbish and the dancing axolotls are very, Very, VERYYYYY CUTE!
I have the HEROBRINE Minecraft skin I am not lying I am telling the truth believe me okay.
Hey shark or andrew I found one scary upload like the farlands man or that thing in Minecraft creepy pasta wiki please I subscribed and liked every of your video,s one thing made unhappy why can,t you got to Rage Elixir he done scary video,s like you If you do it I will like every video by samanvitha and I'm born 2011 call me amber
Shark bro make another series like hacker kid one
big s i ilke your vids 👀
hey shark, remember herobrine and entity 303 what if herobrine was the old john of mojang studios and got fired then the hacker entity hacked into its world and whenever herbrine/john asked the hacker that who are you what is your name then the hacker would say if you ever say those things i will kill you and and hack your server and kill your relatives one by one without you knowing so he got afraid and never told about that ever agian but when on July 1st (whatever year) herobrine and entity wanted to get bedrock and they wanted to get it at a very specific place named as x3 y0 and z3 then what if entity killed all of their relatives without him knowing he killed him and hacked his server so maybe tht is why herbrine told you and Lucus for you to not play on july 1st thats what i heard from the interent if you have any luck finding the truth i will give the best of luck to you shark stay safe and stay healthy so bye bye and also one more suggention an you play jurassic world evolution 1 and 2
Shark u r a griefer
Shark can please make another minecraft lore Series and do NULL?
Hey Shark I wanna be in your Minecraft server once I subbed liked and now commented and shared
Awesome video
Hey Shark how do I join this I don’t know how to get servers
Pls dont kill the players
Pls shark do a among us mod
I dare you to make a video on looking at your oldest video’s shark
Lol what do heck mogith
You yell to much pls stop 🦈
What was that laugh lmao 🤣 😂
. .
The Minecraft mario music 😂😂😂😂😂
How do I participate in one of these challenges?
S and a and r and k and
2 traps ane not going to kill you but make you stuck so guess.
Are you gay
M m. Well I just wanted you guys to be a op
Shark can I join in minecraft bedrock
10:40 AMOGUS
I met thecoolertnt one time.
He can save him self if he just go on the bed
Who else knew that shark was playing angry birds in the back round
Day 1 to ask Shark to create a video with the cute voice
Did you said lol haha