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Welcome to my Let’s Play of Minecraft in my Lovely World.
In this episode, we continue building a new mini-game next to Hit The Target’s funland.
The texture pack I’m using – https://discord.gg/MHePtANJ
Twitter – @stampylongnose
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/stampycatyt
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/stampylongnose
name idea : egg boop because it would really funny and fits the name perfectly because you are booping the egg
Hello I really wanted to say hello I’ve watched this before when I was 4 I’m 11 now but compared to other viewers I really don’t think it’s changed it’s still chill fun content
Omy gosssh ive been watching this series ever since i was a kid, I am now 19 and im so happy that youre still making these videos. U made my childhood the besttt
I remember watching this series back in 2013 man. Crazy
18:10 my reaction
when my cousins find my lego sets
words cannot describe how happy stampy made me, id watch the dens and lovely world every day before and after school. stampy truly raised me im crying
I remember Hit the Target. Man, these videos take me back. You're an amazing creator my man.
Why do you not build a new doghouse keep it all safe
They seem to having so much fun playing the mini-games (even if they are doing them wrong). Maybe that's all HTT and VD wanted to do all along, gather all the dogs to surprise Stamps (good surprise) by taking them all to the Funland (or another amusement park if Stampy was tired of his Funland games) and having a fun day playing games.
broski i got excited bc i though he meant LeeBears back XD 🙁
A loophole, you say? Wellll, if you want to be pedantic about it, technically they have no proper legal right to the funland, as there was no written agreement, contract, or passing of the ownership deed to the funland. And even if there was, technically it would be voided as it was signed under threat of the death of a resident
i love you stampy, you made my childhood and i really hope you make other people's childhoods too
half way through the video and im still laughing at how neutral and carefree stamp's greatest nemeses are. its really just so funny and weird seeing them roam right next to stampy without hostility. please keep this plot stamps i love it 😭😂
Pray. To our lord Stampy our roof god
why can't you use your train that is inside the tree I didn't think the tracks ended in the Funland, but I know the tracks lead to the Funland.
I’m so glad to see him.
dear stampy i love yu vids i have watched every video i drawed a painting of yu can i send it
oh my god, i missed this man so much- i have to resubscribe now
Well at least there not blowing anything up
Awesome 👍
The school I graduated from called Puyallup High School did the same thing with ceiling tiles.
Lucky number 777
i think HitTheTarget needs to practice his communication skills, if all he wanted was to play minigames lmao
WARNING ⚠️ JOKE IN COMING nahhhh hit the target made the collider frome fortnite💀💀💀
Stampy needs to play in vr or maybe he has idk
I think I’ve gotten to old but I’m seven so I don’t think I’m too old to watch you
The last time I watched one of these videos was about 6 years ago and omg it’s changed so much
Nope, never mind
My notifs r breaking I didn’t see thisss 😭😭
Ender dash
Mariah she’s my friend BFF
I love how Stampy makes us think this is gonna be another big showdown video, and then quickly switches to "oh wait, they're just building a mini game". This "arc" has got to be my favorite so far.
A lot has evolved
Ahhh 777th episode from Stampy ❤️
Stampy being paranoid
6:00 – 7:06 – AH ITS A TRAP, ITS GOING TO BLOW 2 seconds later – Should go inside the funland?
10:28 – 10:50 I think after all this time they didn't want my dogs?
11:00 – 11:35 I'm stampylongnose – 3 seconds later – Being rude and talking about them because they are playing a game
11:50 – 12:33 I know I made a deal and it's very peaceful right now, but I need my funland back even though there will be no peace.
14:15 – 14:50 – I shouldn't let ut bother me… But it does.
17:20 – 19:00 – Oh they cleaned u-Oh never mind., – Two seconds later -THATS IT IM GETTING MY FUNLAND BACK
23:14 – 23:28 – At least they can give me an 5 star review
I haven’t watched swampy in ages and get so much nostalgia when I watch him again❤❤❤
Thinking about the sky lighting changing the look of the black wool in this mini game in the last episode and rain here, It could probably use a stained glass roof of some sort.
Use the redstone lamps to make the piston move
It’s been years a lot has changed🥺
Hey Stampy just a thought here for Christmas you should do a secret Santa were you would give gifts to one of your helpers or enemy's. Each of your helpers would get someone else and they on Christmas day have to give there gifts to there secret Santa.