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Ever wanted to see the bounding boxes of say a nether fortress or an ocean monument, you can with the minihud mod, I’ll show you how in this video.
If it’s on a server then the server will require the servux mod –https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/servux
You also need https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/malilib on the client.
How to install fabric and mods – https://youtu.be/eHl8gwOlN5U
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didnt worked o.O
doesn't work for me
For some reason this isn't working for me on Realms / Multiplayer.
I added the minihud mod to my server, I have the mod installed, I'm using fabric, I completed every step you said to complete and the bounding box did not show up. I was not using a nether fortress for this though, I was using a witch hut.
the bounding box for the fortress didn't work for me. do you know why? the mdos say they're compatible w/ 1.19.2
many thanks it seems sometimes i forget to read
thank you
I'm on a server which shows slime farms but it didn't show the bounding box, I know the server owner uses minihud because they referred me to it, does that mean it might not be on the server but is working for other things locally?
for me this didnt work
Thank you, I was scouring everywhere because I wasn't seeing the boarding boxes at all and I had no idea why.
thank you so much, this video really helped me
Exactly what I need
Thanks bro you saved me
Is there a possibily to remove the bounding box so that for example the guardians wont spawn anymore?
THIS HELPED ME SO MUCH! Very nice video and straight to the point 👍
you answered my question in 29 seconds, i will play the rest of the video, thankyou , i needed to know about servux
Thanck you very much Bro you saved me😀
weird, my client doesnt read servux. im using 1.19.2
Is there a plugin alternative to Servux? I can't use Servux as the server I am playing on is a non-modded Spigot server. Thanks in advance!
After hours and hours of trying to get this to work and many comments saying it doesnt work: TURN OFF YOUR SHADERS. Simplest thing just didnt think