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hey viewers , i had to reupload this entire video because of some problems , but this video has a change and don’t worry the survival series is continuing
and this short video is just part 1 , part 2 coming soon …!!!
What's the song during the speedruner part?
Your terrible at doing the quick nether portal
funny cus the 'speedrunner' portal was quite slow
Instead of fillinh in the corners use the extra obsidion to make an enchantment table
What is the song
Hey remember when everyone played minecraft because it was fun and not full of tryhard wannabe speedrunners?
Aww I love the Andy Griffith show …. that song was great 👏🏻
u are slow at it
Its a SPEEDrun not a SLOWrun
Just like dream :>
Dream stans: This is copy of dream
"minecraft speedrunner player"
Can I get the name of that song..? (While speed running)
This isn't a speedrun! It's a speedrun! You can't fool me!
This is the type of person so say I saw dream do this
Bruh ur so slow even sped up lmaoooo
Respect how he likes every comment
First of all anyone that places the corners when they first make the portal is weird second of all I don’t even know any bedrock edition players that don’t make the portal with a bucket