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Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter. This video is even crazier than our other Speedrunner VS Hunter videos.
This is a new Minecraft 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. Kier tries to beat the game, while Dev tries to prevent him from doing it. It’s a race, and it’s super intense and we had a lot of laughs and rage moments. We love this challenge.
If this video gets 25 likes we’ll do a rematch!
This idea is taken from the Minecraft youtuber Dream who has done this speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin type video many times before!
Thanks for watching!
This is about to be insane!!!
If someone dislikes, it's the stans lol.
I love your videos guyssss
Black smoke is back
Yay an upload
I was here #5
you guys are blowing up!
Next time dev will be the hunter
Honestly really great video! The same thrill to the dream video's but with new people!
Check u r dm for congrats
First dislike but I like
Now waiting for the pvp video 🙂
Can i do one with you guys i think it would be cool Speedrunner vs 2 hunters
Good video keep it up
I'm the reason you guys are gonna do a rematch! :))
(25th Like)
You guys smack talk like everysingle dam time and its so dam funny i do not know how you guys dont have 1mil subs
Yea beat the crap out of eachther
Help them reach
700 subscribers!!!! Or even more 😎💰🔥🔥
Kinda like ur vids now I have been watching for like and hour
Great content but the hunter didn't do any better than the ones he was criticizing.
just found this chanal and its lit
So does he have a compass?
Great vid my guy /guys
What a cute couple
Dev was a good hunter by staying on him and keeping the vid entertaining
Omg you guys are hilarious XD good manhunt vid lol
Protip: You can start moving forward in a boat and eat at the same time to not have to stop rowing every time you wanna eat.
Why does everyone who who try’s manhunts never pick up there craftingtable ven if they do have the time
Dev is true,kier is an idiot
how the hell are yall not at 100k+ subs yet 😤😤
You guys happen to swear alot, which is fine, but its not "acceptable" in my household, so I have to watch this on the lowest volume possible 😂