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Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters. You asked for it. This was absolutely insane.
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We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are not FOUR hunters but FIVE instead of just one.
This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost AND my friend awesamdude tries to prevent me from doing it. It’s a race, and it’s super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges.
If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we’ll do a rematch!
Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin
I know you from mrbeast
Ojoj chyba ktoś tu Tobiasza oglądał i musiał się odbić znowu 🙂
Little theory on why the glitch happened: so you can respawn the dragon when the dragon is dead, so my guess is that the dragon counts as dead after their health is down to 0, and nit when the dragon explodes, which is the thing that gives you the achievement
So basicly what happenend: dragon died, death animation starts, reviving starts which cancels the death animation but the end of the death animation gives you the achievement
Still have to test this tho, but i feel lile this makes sense from a programming standpoint
Inmage Dream VS Hunters
Bang windah kamu harus menonton dia biar pro
This part like 1v3 they do nothing
He couldve used lava in the portal part
He win The hunters just make another dragon but the one is dead so dream is win
1:04 watch the tool bar, how did he make the planks without opening his gui? Sorry if I sound super dumb.
DREAM IZ 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000Q
Another 1 million likes in one day Dream. So glad to you
Dream should've won, they can't revive the dragon if it wasn't dead right?
gg to dream 🙂
I thing Dream win bicause this is not about achivmenthutering
Why no tommy
wait,who won? so the achievement the end again came up so the dragon must have died,right? so did Dream win?
That gave me goosebumps!! He Almost died like many times, but the end, didn't know that could work. 😀
that boat clutch was insane!
Can we just appreciate how he still manages to fight back with no armor while his opponent has half diamond and a diamond axe.
Man, 1stly INSANE how you did the mid air boat, for me doing a boat jump is hard, but making the boat mid air,whattttt. Very amazing, in my eyes you won!
He made a boat in 1second
Tbh dream deserves to win
Do a 5 hunters vs 2 speedrunners.
It's gonna be really interesting
I thought it was punz
Dream special skill unlocked: THIEF
Wot drakon ys nit ded jo sus
At 7:30 at that moment dream was a god like how he built that boat that was amazing OMG 😱😂
A muffin head and a colourblind man and a creeper man chasing a green blob wich had a face drawn in his belly
Everyone – seems interesting 🙂
Dream are justing to increase the number of hunters until it's impossible for you to win
tommyinnit: … god am i really adopted?
18:44 "Dream be carefull"🤔
Could make you start wondering what they can see🤔🤔🤔
If you go to 0.25 speed at 35:27 you can see that dream dealt the final blow to the dragon with his arrow. I don't think the dragon being one shot from dead, and being hit by an arrow when the respawn happened to be a coincidence.
Dream killed the dragon, but the respawn mechanism hid the achievement message. I'd call it a win, since the respawn happened after the dragon was dead (like how the respawn mechanic actually works).
Damn bot clutch amazing I play bedrock and it is mad hard to do that
I thought 5th Hunter would be tommy
I guess that tommyinnit is very mad at dream 😅
Νοoooooooo he won he didn't lose he killed the dragon no no no no no 😭😭
"Dream King Minecraft"
Youre so popular youtuber