Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters

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Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters. You asked for it. This was absolutely insane.
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BadBoyHalo: @BadBoyHalo
George: @GeorgeNotFound
Sapnap: @Sapnap
Antfrost: @Antfrost
Awesamdude: @awesamdude

We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are not FOUR hunters but FIVE instead of just one.

This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost AND my friend awesamdude tries to prevent me from doing it. It’s a race, and it’s super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges.

If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we’ll do a rematch!

Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin



46 thoughts on “Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters”

  1. Little theory on why the glitch happened: so you can respawn the dragon when the dragon is dead, so my guess is that the dragon counts as dead after their health is down to 0, and nit when the dragon explodes, which is the thing that gives you the achievement
    So basicly what happenend: dragon died, death animation starts, reviving starts which cancels the death animation but the end of the death animation gives you the achievement
    Still have to test this tho, but i feel lile this makes sense from a programming standpoint

  2. If you go to 0.25 speed at 35:27 you can see that dream dealt the final blow to the dragon with his arrow. I don't think the dragon being one shot from dead, and being hit by an arrow when the respawn happened to be a coincidence.

    Dream killed the dragon, but the respawn mechanism hid the achievement message. I'd call it a win, since the respawn happened after the dragon was dead (like how the respawn mechanic actually works).


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