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some people will say this is fake but trust me, this is 100% real!
Enjoy! 😀
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Plot twist: it was actually fake
I just hate that there is armor in that chest, like speedruners dont need armor, i undersyand netherite tools, but armor just makes this joke unfunny.
There is no way, 200 sub to 1.8k
GL bro
U cut it after u took the beds
seems easy enough
omg jaime u beast, i went for 10 days, and u grew from 200 subs to 1.85k
Jayme you kicked my ass for the fastest time. Congrats for like the third time,
Breaks one tree gets everything he needs from one tree block even end portal frams
Didn’t crouch when breaking tree
Guys, what if I put Dream Speedrunning music over myself finding netherite armor in a chest and proceed to call it legit. This is funny and original, right?
This is fake
Why is your Fov so low
The record for the fastest speedrun without commands is 5 sec and the fastest REAL speedrun is 5 minutes to the time im writing this i think, and it was illumina
Jayme your a legend did you see that pearl at the end your going to be the new dream or something.
This is not real yu don’t get spawned with all that stuff
fAkE thIs iS FaKe
Dude this is real.
YoU fOrGoT tHe wAtEr bUcKeT!!!
+1minute in time
Dat enderpearl save tho-
This was a fake speed if I’ve seen one
What is the seed
It's fake. He spent extra time making the signs and putting all that stuff in the chest
All these fake speed runs are always the same now
Dude omg your useing crismass mod yoy hacker
Time to go to newest comments to lose my brain cells
The armor wasn’t full prot 4
The moment you realize its on short videos
It's just a lucky seed stop getting mad
At least try to make it look fake god