Honestly all we want now is: Meme us by having WR on all 14 Superhostile (so taking Endless Deep, Black Desert and Canopy Carnage purely for the memes & it would be hilarious to have the technically 14/14), and very good meme potentional: Kaizo Caverns Secret Challange Grow Grass To The VM%. (Boy those videos would be the best).
dude i think you need a therapist you just spent an hour reading minecraft signs
very nice ASMR content
this is epic
Ah yes, I will gladly speedrun a map to read all the signs
GG, actually impressive how it takes just one hour
i love this
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Great Speedrun Speedy Cube 3,500,000,000,000,000
WOW you actually did it you madlad.
Why though
How do you know you got all of them?
now do it without using any items besides a sign
Oh pog. Lmao it's pretty interesting to see him play the map not speed run style
Every "Dig" made me laugh
Speed run the dictionary next
Very good funny Minecraft video
40:53 you missed "would" and ":)"
Honestly all we want now is: Meme us by having WR on all 14 Superhostile (so taking Endless Deep, Black Desert and Canopy Carnage purely for the memes & it would be hilarious to have the technically 14/14), and very good meme potentional: Kaizo Caverns Secret Challange Grow Grass To The VM%. (Boy those videos would be the best).
I love this so much. Way more than I ever should