Minecraft Snapshot 21w06a NEW CAVE GENERATION!

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In this snapshot 21w06a, there is new cave generation. This is the first world gen in the caves and clifts update. Noise caves are a new way of generating caves.


28 thoughts on “Minecraft Snapshot 21w06a NEW CAVE GENERATION!”

  1. I have mixed feelings about the new cave gen.
    It looks great and all but the massive cave areas are very common and the mining tactic would just to find one of those and mine out all of the ores as they are very plentiful in them.
    I do hope in later updates that they make caves more tunnelly and make the large caverns a much more rare thing.
    A perfect example of what I hope caves are like is a mod called Yung's better caves. It makes caves SO much more fun to explore by completely revamping it. Its a perfect model to base the caves on.

  2. Maybe make it so half the generation is the old cave while half of them is the new cave.

    New cave is amazing, but sometimes you just want to find ores and those big caves would be annoying as you will need to explore more.

    And maybe put the big cave lower. I don't want to make a basement/ underground railways under my house just to realize there is a big cave under my house and the building is going to make it a lot harder to do.


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