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Welcome to my Let’s Play of Minecraft in my Lovely World.
In this episode, we play my slam mini-game next to Hit The Target’s funland.
The texture pack I’m using – https://discord.gg/MHePtANJ
Twitter – @stampylongnose
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/stampycatyt
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/stampylongnose
What happened to the elephant door?
I’m excited for the next episode 🧡
Love u stamps
I love your videos! Thank you for continuing to make them because they’ve got me through so many things❤
Yoo stampy I’m just going down memory lane and remembered how big of a part you where of my childhood I am glad your doing well and still doing what you use to do I love you thank for all the memories ❤❤
Stampy's plan to retake the funland. I actually got a bad feeling about this.
Dooberry forest!
I remember watching this guy back in 2017 and now he has shaders 2 levels of his love garden
he still makes the same videos and I'm glad
the tension with the funland between this episode and last episode 🥶🥶
It was very fun to watch
What are you thinking about that, the game is in your fun land
Next video can you do the plan to get the funland back stampy
THis is actually an RNG game
Gambling but its child friendly
First war in Stampy's Lovely World. Coming Soon
Oh no they are gonna catch you stampy! Don’t risk it
Oh right…! Back in the Secret Base! Back in the Funland! Feels so refreshing.
Bro stampy you were my childhood I would always watch you when I was 5-10 but now I haven’t watched u in 3 years so I missed your content
Yay finally we will get a plan in the next video
Whose been watching stampy for 7-8 Years? I have!
Anyone else want stampy to do another episode of just playing his old minigames
Honestly such a tense game. Stampy is the Paul McCartney of Minecraft, he'll always have great ideas for his craft!
Stampy will still sound the same as he did in 2012
19:56 I couldn’t understand a single word he said
I’m glad I continued watching these videos
Make a bunker for the dogs and mittens
Such nostalgia.
i remember i texted stampy one time on my moms phone, every hour i ran to her and asked if he texted back, it made my child hood, and he still does.
I'm very glad you're still making videos!
Film Theory: Stampy is the main villain!?
The latest lovely world ever 😂
How fast can You talk Stamy??
Hey Stampy, since you have been renovating a bunch of your old structures, I have an idea for the next thing for you to update, you should update the lighthouse, since having paintings inside can make things laggy, you should give the lighthouse a new purpose, since you have gotten so much better at building, I think you'll do an amazing job.
fun fact! pistons do not require a pickaxe to mine and obtain! they don't even mine them faster. the only effect using a pickaxe has is taking 2 durability from the pickaxe.
Wasn’t his old name stampy long nose?
This is good.👍
Stampy your so good at building Aka Louie
Haven't got far into the video yet but he said old method and I'm hoping he uses that tree minecart thing
8:58:32 Let’s only take a moment to congratulate how much time and dedication he placed in this videos?
It is fabulous, and I consider they justify more than that 🙃
Hi could I be one of your helpers
I don't know how long it has been but you were nostalgic
The tides have changed the war of the Funland begins
You should upgrade all your fishing rods for the ender dragon game to mending on them so they don’t break
Hey Stampy you should totally build a mini game that uses skulk sensors knowing you it would probably be something awesome!
Why doesn't he have better armor