Minecraft Sky of Diamonds | RESONANT CONVERSION KITS! #19 [Modded Questing Skyblock]

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Minecraft Sky of Diamonds | RESONANT CONVERSION KITS! #19 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with Nik & Isaac

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

Sky of Diamonds Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/awakening-sky-of-diamonds

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Sky of Diamonds Modpack:
Sky of Diamonds is a modpack designed with 1 goal in mind… to be as much frickin’ fun as possible. From the moment you spawn on 9 blocks of diamond you know this is going to be different. Unlike a lot of modern sky-blocks; which seem to have drastically increased grind and become hugely over complicated, SoD breaks the mold by reducing initial grind and focusing more on bringing back the good times.

#Minecraft #SkyOfDiamonds #Modded


20 thoughts on “Minecraft Sky of Diamonds | RESONANT CONVERSION KITS! #19 [Modded Questing Skyblock]”

  1. Cooling molten metal with snow there’s a bad idea… basically the reason why people who melt down metal don’t rapidly cool molten metal is mainly for a few reasons 1 the metal can start bubbling from the gasses being released which becomes a splash danger meaning basically if you were to do that there’s a chance of being splashed 2 because until it’s solid it will take the shape of whatever it’s surrounded by therefore unless it’s magic ice it will start to melt and make weird shapes and lastly 3 because putting any molten metal inside anything liquid or cold can actually cause it to explode… if you want a good example of it Nile blue has a video of him pouring molten copper into a glass mason jar and it actually exploding and it’s not cause it’s glass it’s because the copper is so hot that it instantly causes a pressure wave the moment it touches the water making the water turn in to steam in milliseconds and causing an explosion… it explodes so fast that if you were to pour it in with your own hands you would probably get seriously hurt

  2. A fair while ago I got a fairly absurd traffic ticket of my own, boys. A speed trap caught me doing Mach 3 in a 30 mph zone, a fine of almost $16k. Of course, I contested it and it was dropped.


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